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Forums - General Discussion - How long do you expect to live?

these kind of tests are evil aren't they?

If i lose access to this profile as well....I'm done with this site.....You've been warned!!.....whoever you are...

Happy Wii60 user. Me and my family are a perfect example of where hardcore meets casual and together mutate into something awesome.

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some of the questions were irrelevant as well, what does a personal or family history of divorce have to do with how long youre gonna live?

I guessed 45

Results: January 2070, Age 78


4 ≈ One

Soriku said:
SciFiBoy said:
some of the questions were irrelevant as well, what does a personal or family history of divorce have to do with how long youre gonna live?




i guess, but thats a big leap to get to that conclusion

Damn... looks like cancer's gonna become an epidemic in like 60 years....

4 ≈ One

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Soriku said:
SciFiBoy said:
some of the questions were irrelevant as well, what does a personal or family history of divorce have to do with how long youre gonna live?




divorce and stuff like that causes stress

stress = number 1 aging factor


Soriku said:
These tests are also really inaccurate. You can always change habits and such and alter things for the better or worse. Also, for the final screen before the results I forgot to put in where I live and my initials. It said I'd die at 78 due to cancer. Then I went back and put in where I live and my initials and suddenly I'm gonna die at 77 and there was no cause either.


You should know from school or health programmes that even if you change your habits, that might not actually help. It all depends on what were you doing before and after the change and how long you were at it.

If you smoked cigarretes from the age of 14 till 24 and quit, the probability that you'll have cancer later on in your life is still greater than for someone who didn't smoke in the same age period.

My brother is a prime example he took drugs for 5 years (16-21) has been clean since (that 8 years and counting) and we're beginning to see the effects that those drugs had on him. As in now, they are surfacing. and they will continue to do so.

Of course my brother is a rather extreme case but it's still a good example.

If i lose access to this profile as well....I'm done with this site.....You've been warned!!.....whoever you are...

Happy Wii60 user. Me and my family are a perfect example of where hardcore meets casual and together mutate into something awesome.

Soriku said:
These tests are also really inaccurate. You can always change habits and such and alter things for the better or worse. Also, for the final screen before the results I forgot to put in where I live and my initials. It said I'd die at 78 due to cancer. Then I went back and put in where I live and my initials and suddenly I'm gonna die at 77 and there was no cause either.


ofcourse they are not compared to a real test that's done in a hospita.

true, if u change bad habits to better ones you will add years to ur life.

anyway, even the ones in the hospital are not 100% right , People with many many diseases can live till 80 and healthy people die younger sometimes.

for example , some may eat extra amount of sugar all thier lives and never get diabetes and others do.


Age 76... Car accident




I'm gonna die, as 76, by a CAR ACCIDENT?



That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

77, Cancer

Don't Worry.....Be Happy