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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Casual games = Soulless games. Wii is not for me.

Arkk said:
Simulacrum said:


Lets think first what do you remember from your earlier games.

Remember when Meryl got shot by Sniper Wolf in Metal Gear Solid?

Remember when Sephiroth killed Aeris in Final Fantasy VII?

Or not stuff like that, stuff like in games like Grandia where you have that weird happy face trought your whole adventure?.

These games and many more have changed my personality.


I recently got Wii and I played some games.Much talk of casuals on Wii in here aswell..

First I played Resident Evil 4 which was great.

Then I played Wii sports,Wii play and SuperSmashBrosBrawl and hated them all.Wii sports and Wii play was fun but nothing more than few hours with friends. I just hated SuperSmashBrosBrawl because first its "story" was sooo kids fantasy world and contols were bad..It was ok with a friend.

Then I go to Mario Galaxy, 97 on metacritic. I really got angry in first missions and tried to play over hour but no way....I liked some Mario games I have played on Ds, Super Nintendo and CameCube and was really looking forward on this..

Zelda was pretty good but it's not enough.

Buts Its not all about Wii. I played LittleBigPlanet and again it was fun with friend and it has huge replay value but It doesn't have that soul.

So I hate Casual games since these are marked as a Casual games.

Good games need to have a soul.

Well I know everyones has a diffrent taste.

So I'm trading Wii back to Ps3 in next few week when my friend finishes its games.

I'm not gonna touch Wii ever again.





 Are you serious? You didn't like Super Mario Galaxy... Or Smash Bros? Wow.. that is a shocker. Did you try multiplayer brawls in Smash Bros? If not, then you seriously don't know what you are doing lol.

Are those the only games you played? You really don't know what to look for on Wii do you? No More Heroes? WarioLand? MadWorld? Metroid Prime 3? De Blob? How about the newly released New Play Control Pikmin? Or House of the Dead: Overkill? If you don't like on-rail shooters, how about Deadly Creatures?

The list really does go on, so before you decide to give up on something so quickly, look in the right places.

Thanks for your time.

I played 20% of single adventure and many rounds on multiplayer with friends...

Madworld and Metroid prime 3, indeed I miss that I didin't have a chance to play those but I think my friend will buy them when we trade our consoles back.



Take my love, take my land..

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I see what you are saying, I too been impacted from games like FF 8, first game that struck me kinda emotionally because of the story and stuff.

But I played since NES and just because FF 8 affected me emotionally first those past systems gave me lots of fun, different fun. The main thing I see wrong with your post is the limited view, your definition of soul can be different compared to other people but I felt soul playing let's say the new Zelda you mentioned. I just put myself into Link's shoes and get into the world.

Also the main thing I don't like that everyone does is that they disgrace casual games. Yes, there is bad and good casual games like Wii music compared to Pac-Man, I play pac-man on my phone for hours, its' fun, a big story is not needed for a game to be fun.

Pac-man is pretty "soulless" in that it has the same map mostly, simple controls, no story, etc... but the effort I put into it, is the soul. You getting affected about Meryl in MGS didn't affect me at all, you put the soul into the game, the game doesn't have the soul; it didn't change me one bit. I agree in your opinion but all casual game don't equal soulless games and story heavy games don't equal soulful games either.

i hope you read all the answers!!
.dont blame wii every now and then.casual games are good.not all my friends are hardcore so the wii is the console that you can play with anyone when you have guests.then just play some rpg and enjoy your day..if you want good story play no more heroes.i am fan of ff7 but believe me this has 10 times better story.if you want to make your own history play geometry for highscore.also download s&punishment and then you can talk about the wii

I'm sure you will have fun playing on your PS3 with no 'soul' around you whilst people with the Wii have friends and are the life and 'soul' of the party! :0P

See what I did there!

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You write with the most eloquent of fail.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Personal taste equals soul to and individual, not genre or target audience. I could easily argue that MGS is soulless because I believe it (like I find all of Kojima’s games) to be a disorganized mess of random and pretentious ideas that Kojima implements for the sake of his own self-esteem which he does so at the expense of good story-telling and ultimately resulting in lacklustre gameplay. Or how FFVII is soulless because it was the point where Square-Enix ended up whoring out the franchise to anime freaks.

I could then say how Wii sports struck me when I first hit the tennis ball and realised the potential of the machine, or how I felt upon entering Gusty Garden Galaxy for the first time and appreciating the blend of superb level design and excellent music that worked in such a combination I’ve never looked at video games in the same way since.

But phrases like ‘Soul’ and ‘Passion’ are really just reflective of one’s own personal preferences. If you like a game you’ll say it has soul, if you don’t, you’ll say it doesn’t. Wii Sports is fun for me, SSBB is fun for me, SMG is fun for me, the Wii as a whole is fun for me, that’s why I own one and that’s why I don’t regret my purchase. What you said essentially amounts to is; ‘of the Wii games that I tried, none of them (save RE4) really appealed to me’, a fine and totally valid opinion which are entitled to, but then you really should have just said word to that effect and then you might not have come across as so condescending.

KylieDog said:
bazmeistergen said:
KylieDog said:
What I dislike about most Wii games is they really lack challenge. If they lack challenge the only thing left is story, a lot of games don't even have a story though, or a sorry excuse for one.



Play MadWorld on hard.

Play Wario Land and complete all the missions. It takes ages to learn and plan. It's great. Underrated, I reckon.

There's a few others that aren't totally straightforward, including the later levels on Galaxy.


If you think anything about Mario Galaxy is even slightly challenging then I am amazed.  I don't think I lost a sinple life getting all the stars.



You are probably lying. How many people did not lose a single life on this game? Talk me through how you completed the scrolling purple coin challenge on the battle cruiser level. Look it up on YouTube first so you tell us about it.

I'm not saying it's hard, but there are bits that have to be done a number of times to complete it. And if it was so easy why did you play it through twice? Surely you had something better to do, like moaning on forums.

It's longer and more difficult at the end than most of Super Mario 64.

Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.

If you get a life changing experience from a video game story, maybe you should try a book.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

hsrob said:
@KylieDog: Admittedly it's not a very hard game but I'd like to see a picture of that save file....



Aye. It's not hard, but some of the levels are challenging. And to be fair, if the game had come out 20 years ago it would have been seen as much more difficult. I replayed Mario 64 and it was extremely straightforward, likewise Mario World. I have to say, I found Mario Sunshine easier when I had my Cube.

I wish I could see a positive comment from the MinogueHound. I haven't seen one yet, but I'm sure he is capable of one.

Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.