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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Casual games = Soulless games. Wii is not for me.

@Simulacrum, how old r u man? and all the ppl telling him to keep the wii for some later titles, is it really necessary?

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dharh said:
Different strokes for different folks bro. Also times change.

I no longer have fun playing the same style games that I did 15-20 years ago. Twilight Princess was fun, but its no Link to the Past. Mario Galaxy was fun for a while as well, but I couldn't play it over and over like I did SMB3.

his soul you talk about is not gone from these games. It's just you have changed and new games with the same old feeling no longer feel the same. You might even still love those old games, but thats nostalgia.

Don't necessarily throw out your Wii. Look for new IP games and try those.


Yes you might be right.

Buts again its not my Wii.



Take my love, take my land..

rent valkyrie profile you will not regret it

dontsee said:

@Simulacrum, how old r u man? and all the ppl telling him to keep the wii for some later titles, is it really necessary?


I'm 17.



Take my love, take my land..

I had the feeling that trading your ps3 for a wii was a bad idea. There's a wii right here at home with me and I've never played it. It's just not my thing. If only fire emblem was like valkyria chronicles...

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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theprof00 said:
rent valkyrie profile you will not regret it


What Valkyrie Profile?

New one is for Ds right?



Take my love, take my land..

casual games are ment to give you soul experiences from your family and friends not the game.

These games are a mediator to connect people together which otherwise would not. That is the memories these games are givining you.



Cobretti2 said:
casual games are ment to give you soul experiences from your family and friends not the game.

These games are a mediator to connect people together which otherwise would not. That is the memories these games are givining you.

Wii might be for that.

But Guitar Hero 4 has done its job on that with me.



Take my love, take my land..

oh i guess so lol. I'm gunna hafta buy that then. too bad its not on wii. I guess I really don't have any other suggestions except...
-sexy japanese bikini babes killing zombies with swords and guns arcade action happy fun time!!!1

Simulacrum said:


Lets think first what do you remember from your earlier games.

Remember when Meryl got shot by Sniper Wolf in Metal Gear Solid?

Remember when Sephiroth killed Aeris in Final Fantasy VII?

Or not stuff like that, stuff like in games like Grandia where you have that weird happy face trought your whole adventure?.

These games and many more have changed my personality.


You've built a shrine around the games that you liked when you first started gaming and now you have an emotional investment in their descendents. This inclines you toview anything that is in competition with your enshrined games in a negative light.

I'm guilty of this too. I grew up during the NES and SNES generations and I viewed the Playstation and Playstation 2. To this day I can't help but feel that Sony products seem to be plagued by a sort of corporate blandness. I know it's not rational but I can't help but feel that kids raised in the Sony era lack appreciation for the things that made games great during my childhood.


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