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Personal taste equals soul to and individual, not genre or target audience. I could easily argue that MGS is soulless because I believe it (like I find all of Kojima’s games) to be a disorganized mess of random and pretentious ideas that Kojima implements for the sake of his own self-esteem which he does so at the expense of good story-telling and ultimately resulting in lacklustre gameplay. Or how FFVII is soulless because it was the point where Square-Enix ended up whoring out the franchise to anime freaks.

I could then say how Wii sports struck me when I first hit the tennis ball and realised the potential of the machine, or how I felt upon entering Gusty Garden Galaxy for the first time and appreciating the blend of superb level design and excellent music that worked in such a combination I’ve never looked at video games in the same way since.

But phrases like ‘Soul’ and ‘Passion’ are really just reflective of one’s own personal preferences. If you like a game you’ll say it has soul, if you don’t, you’ll say it doesn’t. Wii Sports is fun for me, SSBB is fun for me, SMG is fun for me, the Wii as a whole is fun for me, that’s why I own one and that’s why I don’t regret my purchase. What you said essentially amounts to is; ‘of the Wii games that I tried, none of them (save RE4) really appealed to me’, a fine and totally valid opinion which are entitled to, but then you really should have just said word to that effect and then you might not have come across as so condescending.