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Arkk said:
Simulacrum said:


Lets think first what do you remember from your earlier games.

Remember when Meryl got shot by Sniper Wolf in Metal Gear Solid?

Remember when Sephiroth killed Aeris in Final Fantasy VII?

Or not stuff like that, stuff like in games like Grandia where you have that weird happy face trought your whole adventure?.

These games and many more have changed my personality.


I recently got Wii and I played some games.Much talk of casuals on Wii in here aswell..

First I played Resident Evil 4 which was great.

Then I played Wii sports,Wii play and SuperSmashBrosBrawl and hated them all.Wii sports and Wii play was fun but nothing more than few hours with friends. I just hated SuperSmashBrosBrawl because first its "story" was sooo kids fantasy world and contols were bad..It was ok with a friend.

Then I go to Mario Galaxy, 97 on metacritic. I really got angry in first missions and tried to play over hour but no way....I liked some Mario games I have played on Ds, Super Nintendo and CameCube and was really looking forward on this..

Zelda was pretty good but it's not enough.

Buts Its not all about Wii. I played LittleBigPlanet and again it was fun with friend and it has huge replay value but It doesn't have that soul.

So I hate Casual games since these are marked as a Casual games.

Good games need to have a soul.

Well I know everyones has a diffrent taste.

So I'm trading Wii back to Ps3 in next few week when my friend finishes its games.

I'm not gonna touch Wii ever again.





 Are you serious? You didn't like Super Mario Galaxy... Or Smash Bros? Wow.. that is a shocker. Did you try multiplayer brawls in Smash Bros? If not, then you seriously don't know what you are doing lol.

Are those the only games you played? You really don't know what to look for on Wii do you? No More Heroes? WarioLand? MadWorld? Metroid Prime 3? De Blob? How about the newly released New Play Control Pikmin? Or House of the Dead: Overkill? If you don't like on-rail shooters, how about Deadly Creatures?

The list really does go on, so before you decide to give up on something so quickly, look in the right places.

Thanks for your time.

I played 20% of single adventure and many rounds on multiplayer with friends...

Madworld and Metroid prime 3, indeed I miss that I didin't have a chance to play those but I think my friend will buy them when we trade our consoles back.



Take my love, take my land..