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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resident Evil 5: PS3 vs. X360 frame rate

Eurogamer is sponsored by Microsoft. Of course they think the 360 version is better.

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I definitely felt it in the demo playthrough as another poster had mentioned.

I downloaded both demos to see which I would buy.

At the time I did not know how much the fps jumped around in the PS3 version, but you could certainly feel it in the controls when compared to the 360 version.

In the second video you can see the difference as well.

Nothing game breaking but after playing both demos they definitely pushed me to the 360 version which appears to be locked at 30fps.

Megadude said:
Eurogamer is sponsored by Microsoft. Of course they think the 360 version is better.



That really shouldn't matter, what should matter is both games are identical in terms of look.

I think if I ever when I get a time machine, I'm gonna add "smack the first person who thought it was a good idea to do comparisons vids of games" to my list of things to do.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Its Capcom's trend; DMC4, SF4, Lost Planet loll jk =P

I downloaded and watched both videos 2 times. Once for the 360 side, then once for the PS3 side.

I didn't notice any problems with the framerate on either of them. Plus the graphics were completely the same minus the Water and Trees.

The water reflection, both look good on each console. PS3 looked a little more detailed, imo. Though the Trees were in better detail on the 360, imo.

So them saying "Xbox 360 is in pole position here" is pretty irrelevant and makes them sound like fanboys, sorry to say =/.

  • 2010 MUST Haves: WKC, Heavy Rain, GoWIII, Fable III, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, FFXIII, Alan Wake, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams: FRotM, Trinity: SoZ, BFBC2.
  • Older Need To Buys: Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Deadspace, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2.

There is definitely more to list that I want, but that's my main focus there.

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the 360 version has screen-tearing

Initiating social expirement #928719281

786_ali said:
the 360 version has screen-tearing

^i noticed that too,.. zomg terrible news ! everyone get the .. mobile phone version of the game sure to come out in 2 d glory now that all the hd versions are ruined !

Check out my game about moles ^

Dannagar said:
-Newcloud- said:
when you say you asked a hand full of people was that 360 owner as well?
as for the video there was no differents that i saw maybe because its youtube quilty


I spent my own time camparing the PS3 and X360 demo. The PS3 seems to spend more time below 30 fps. I felt it in the controls and saw it but I really had no basis other than my own dectection. The second video on the link I posted shows the actual frame rates for each system at the top corner.

I'd also mentioned that the PS3 version seemed more jaggy to me. There's a reason for that too.

I played both the 360 and the PS3 demo and didn't notice many differences.  There certainly weren't any issues that would make me consider buying the 360 version over the PS3.  (I buy all of my multiplats on PS3 because I prefer the controller.)  It seems that a growing trend with higher end multiplatform games is the PS3 version runs at a slightly lower framerate and the 360 version has a lot more screen tearing. 

It would be nice if Capcom or another dev published how they utilized the spe's in the PS3 for multiplatform games.  I suspect that they don't use them at all.  Since the PPE and the 360 core processor use the same architecture, devs would most likely limit the use of the spe's.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



wow this has to be a test to see who's a fanboy and who's not because that is really nitpicking to the max. there is no difference

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

really two games vertions similal for me ..



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