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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: Future Xbox 360 Exclusives Will Surpass Killzone 2 [Graphically]

I'm not surprised. People give the cell FAR more credit than it deserves.

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I didn't even like Killzone 2, but graphically it was very good. I didn't like gears either. It was too repetitive and quite dull after a few hours. But good that they try to make the graphics better. past consoles have already proven, the more time developers have with "insert console here" the more they seem to get out of it.

Does and will the 360 develop future games that match or surpass KZ2 graphically.....yes.

Will the PS3 produce graphical superior games to KZ2 and others generated by the 360.......yes! Only time will tell.

where are all the hate posts about how arrogant pr guys are... oh wait...

TheTruthHurts! said: past consoles have already proven, the more time developers have with "insert console here" the more they seem to get out of it.

Does and will the 360 develop future games that match or surpass KZ2 graphically.....yes.

Will the PS3 produce graphical superior games to KZ2 and others generated by the 360.......yes! Only time will tell.




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I love to see fanboys squirm over news like this. This doesn't mean the quality of the game will be greater, it just means it will be larger budget.

Its always been about the developers and their tools...

Did PS2 games not progress graphically from its first year to its last?

Did the PS2 suddenly get more powerful when God of War 2 was released? - Of course not, the developers learned how to squeeze every inch of the console.

The same will apply this generation! It would be a tragedy if the PS3 and 360 maxed out on its potential within a couple year of its launch.

Anyone who thinks that KZ2 is the best consoles can offer is daydreaming.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


S.T.A.G.E. said:
I love to see fanboys squirm over news like this. This doesn't mean the quality of the game will be greater, it just means it will be larger budget.

budgets shrink and games get more polished as time goes by

When we see Alan Wake... maybe he'll have a point. But until then i cant think of anything 360 has what can match Killzone. PS3 on the other hand has a few games what could look better (Uncharted 2 + Heavy Rain)


Seriously, would Sony or MS ever say otherwise if the title of best looking game (subjective, I know) belonged to the other console at a certain point?

If GoW3 or whatever looks better than Killzone2, then Sony will also say that they have better looking titles in the future.

Marketing crap that no one should give a rat's ass about, from either company.