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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Guess that September surprise!

1. Chat channel
2. Music channel
3. Movie/Trailer channel
4. DS (Demo) Download channel
5. Wii Demo channel
6. DVD player channel
7. WiiWare channel
8. Check Mii out channel

1. USB HDD support
2. Other USB support, eg. microphone (Something)
3. New games, old franchise come back
4. New SD card support/possibilities
5. Other addons, eg. Wiimote attachments
6. New VC consoles

Around the Network

A new color for the Wii.
Reggie gets a Wii fit tatooted to his ass cheeks.



All Wii's WW suddenly turn off...Then all at once the disc drives turn extremely bright blue and ... [insert transformer sound effect]...they turn into little reggies that begin the onslaught of human machine wars. The wifi and bluetooth features enable them to automate any nearby digital device that increases their numbers exponentially. Within a few months humans are driven to kneel before their new masters and Darth Regginator announces the new ruler of Earth....Trogdor!!!!

or a demo channel.

1) the Wii has no storage space, a demo channel is impossible without a Hard Drive, so until that happens give it up lol.

2) Dark_Knight DS, that has to be not only the most unlikely suggestion I have ever heard, but easily the worst idea on the thread, and that includes Stof's 3rd Gamecube duct taped on.

naznatips said:
1) the Wii has no storage space, a demo channel is impossible without a Hard Drive, so until that happens give it up lol.

2) Dark_Knight DS, that has to be not only the most unlikely suggestion I have ever heard, but easily the worst idea on the thread, and that includes Stof's 3rd Gamecube duct taped on.

 We'll see ;) I'm one of the only one's who actually realized that it's a Wiiconnect feature and not some other silly feature.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Around the Network

In case some of you didn't get my reference to the new wordly leader. TROGDOR!!!! 

The wii does have storage space. 512mb of memory.


Soriku said:

But say you download many VC games, get normal games and use memory, new channels, plus something like demos, you need more than 512 mbs.

I own a ps3... Ive downloaded ps1 games... yep I know this. But he says it has "no" storage space, and in fact it does have about half a gig.



Erm... excuse me if I'm wrong, but didn't Reggie say before the end of September, and that it would appeal to hardcore players?

I'm sorry to disappoint, but I think he may have been referring to the Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel.

And before anyone says the game is already out (ie before September), a late demo channel would still assist those who didn't buy the game at launch.

But I'm probably wrong. Someone correct me.

Thanks, Soriku.