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Forums - Sony Discussion - Valve on HL2 differences between the 360 and PS3

I believe they are publishing it not developing it, I could be wrong but thats what I have heard.

edit: Found confirmation on Wikipedia's Orange Box page...

I was actually off, EA is only the Distributer.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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Yeah, what exact role is EA playing in this? because they have PS3 Orange Box all over thier website.

and bravo Sqrl . all you points all well made and valid


Oh man...EA touching anything Valve related would be a sin...

They go through various distributors, but Valve is always the sole developer.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Actually fellas, on the IGN pages, it is published by EA, but the 360 version is developed by Valve and the PS3 version is developed by EA UK / Valve. So, EA does have its hands in the PS3 version code ...


AUGH! That's horrifying.

A good reason to stick with the PC: No need to deal with EA at all...just download it all through Steam, for less than $60 of course, and never need to worry about DVDs and such.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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Dolla Dolla said:
Actually fellas, on the IGN pages, it is published by EA, but the 360 version is developed by Valve and the PS3 version is developed by EA UK / Valve. So, EA does have its hands in the PS3 version code ...


No offense but I seriously doubt EA played anything but the most minor of roles in development. It just doesn't make sense to have different teams work on the same game.

Edit: PS - For right now I am assuming IGN made a mistake, but I am looking around for more info atm so I will let you guys know if I find anything. 

To Each Man, Responsibility

Its not much but it was the first thing I found:

This article indicates updates are coming from valve on PS3 related Orange Box developments. That at the very least tells me that EA is not the primary Developer.

Also Gametrailers is listing EA as the publisher which is where I think I had that idea to begin with.

I don't think I am going to find anything more than that though, probably just other versions of this type of info.

To Each Man, Responsibility

Wow I was wrong, I found very very good confirmation that EA has very little to do with PS3 development.




They say early on in the video that they compile from the same source code to all three platforms.

To Each Man, Responsibility
Sqrl said:
Killzone3 said:
Sqrl said:
Killzone3 said:
So the average guy cant do much with it, me no cares. Top developers will tap the sob like they did the PS2!

And they do say PS2 was harder to dev on.

Valve is easily one of the best, if not the best, developer out there when it comes to making the most out of hardware. The source engine is an amazing testiment to that.

Coming from this developer this says a LOT.

Yahh but arent they or weren't they mainly a PC dev ? so they never really experienced that pain of PS2 development which was harder then PS3. And the whole industy managed pretty damn good results on the PS2, should be no different on Ps3 with it being easier to dev on.


I appreciate the angle you are coming from here, I truly do. But you have to understand that at the core all computer hardware has basic intrinsic similarities. In order to draw every ounce of power out of the hardware you need to understand these fundamentals and then you need to understand how the fundamentals build up the machine.

Since I started following HL2, Valve has alwayas been a reserved developer and they have always been careful about what they say. So when this kind of comment is made, it makes me sit up and say "Whoa....". They simply would not have made this kind of comment unless they had already rolled up their sleaves and dug in for a deep forray with the box.

Notice that he didn't say it was impossible only that it was difficult. The reason this is important isn't as shallow as valve is a good development studio and when they say its hard its hard (although thats part of it). The real important factor here is that the PS2 support was a necessity so its strange hardware got the support because developers had to. The same is not true with the PS3, so there is a very real possibility that the PS3 could lose 3rd party support if the issue is as prevalent as we are being told.

Other developers like Ubisoft, EA, Activision, I can understand blowing their complaints off as they are all about the bottom line and they aren't willing to put huge sums of effort into their products. Valve is just not like those other developers they have always been willing to go the extra mile to produce something special, and their games do a lot of that talking for them imo. I think it would be a mistake to ignore these comments out of hand and I think other developers will take notice...

A PC game maker saying PS3 is harder to dev then the 360, really iam shocked (not)  Iam a console gamer, valve means nothing to me (honestly valve id me no care).  Square Konami Insomniacs NDog Polyphony Digital mean alot.

Complaints really mean nothing to me other then to aviad that devs game, for every one crying its hard theres some one praising it and showing off its capability.  I know PS3 is hard to dev on, but i also see Killzone GT5 Uncharted FF13 MGS4 and i just dont care about some excuse as Team Ninja guy called it.

"other developers will take notice"

They did and they figured it out, Ubisoft did the guys behind CoD4 have hell they were insulted when 1up joked that the PS3 version will be 30fps, their anwser to how they did it was a cold "we programmed it"  The whole its hard has quickly become an embarrassment, like Madden in EAs case where they had to defend them selfs and make up the we lacked time excuse.

ps- thread nicely derailed aint it, PS3 superior power hard to accept hehe. 




Killzone3 said:

ps- thread nicely derailed aint it, PS3 superior power hard to accept hehe. 

 Power meant a lot last gen, didn't it?

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away"