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Forums - Sales Discussion - First day sales in Japan - Star Ocean IV, Idolmaster SP, Shining Force DS

Dianko said:
I love the shit talking on SO4. Didn't it outsell day 1 of the last game in the series (the PSP one)?


PSP ones were remakes of the 1st and 2nd games that were released on the SNES and PS1.

The last game in the series which is SO3 sold 396,036 accodring to this site in its first week.


Edit - Good god! Damn Max beat me for the 2nd time today!

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Max King of the Wild said:
bitmap - im pretty sure games like wkc, disgea, and VC sales disprove your "360 owners bought it because they like different type of games" i think my conclusion is much more realistic but ill leave that here


No, you can't leave it there, because I'm not done owning you yet.

Have you considered 360's are moddable (aka, piracy enabled)? The only punishment is banning from xbox live and japanese aren't much into it. So, are you able to provide proper data about the share of modded 360's in japan and the effect it has on sales?

I restate it: you have zero facts and have done zero research. You want to believe what you want to believe and then construct a pseudo-rational narrative to present your un-researched opinion as a fact.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

tombi123 said:
Great for a 360 game, rubbish for a Star Ocean game.

SO4 sold exactly what I predicted for day one. It sold the same as WKC, although it won't have the epic second week sales that WKC had.

i dont think it will get the same 2nd day sales either considering wkc was in the heart of the holidays.

Max King of the Wild said:
Dianko said:
I love the shit talking on SO4. Didn't it outsell day 1 of the last game in the series (the PSP one)?

you mean the remake? on a handheld... even if it wasnt a remake it would have been spin off and still on a hand held.


Didn't know it was a remake. However, this is Japan we're talking about it. Being on a handheld, even the PSP, is an advantage if anything.

I can't believe Darth got banned for his comments in this thread. They are not even remotely trollish or offensive. He just put forward a good point and got banned for it. I have seen far worse go unpunished on this site. I'm very disappointed.

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tombi123 said:
I can't believe Darth got banned for his comments in this thread. They are not even remotely trollish or offensive. He just put forward a good point and got banned for it. I have seen far worse go unpunished on this site. I'm very disappointed.


Mods giveth and mods taketh away =) That's how internet forums work.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Dianko said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Dianko said:
I love the shit talking on SO4. Didn't it outsell day 1 of the last game in the series (the PSP one)?

you mean the remake? on a handheld... even if it wasnt a remake it would have been spin off and still on a hand held.


Didn't know it was a remake. However, this is Japan we're talking about it. Being on a handheld, even the PSP, is an advantage if anything.

i have never plsayed SO so i dont know if the stories are tied together for the sequels but i was more getting to the point that if its on a handheld it would be a spinoff

Euphoria14 said:
Dianko said:
I love the shit talking on SO4. Didn't it outsell day 1 of the last game in the series (the PSP one)?


PSP ones were remakes of the 1st and 2nd games that were released on the SNES and PS1.

The last game in the series which is SO3 sold 396,036 accodring to this site in its first week.


Edit - Good god! Damn Max beat me for the 2nd time today!

Max King of the Wild said:
Dianko said:
I love the shit talking on SO4. Didn't it outsell day 1 of the last game in the series (the PSP one)?

you mean the remake? on a handheld... even if it wasnt a remake it would have been spin off and still on a hand held.


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Bitmap Frogs said:
tombi123 said:
I can't believe Darth got banned for his comments in this thread. They are not even remotely trollish or offensive. He just put forward a good point and got banned for it. I have seen far worse go unpunished on this site. I'm very disappointed.


Mods giveth and mods taketh away =) That's how internet forums work.


Hmm... but it seems he just got banned for a week for simply stating a fact. 

RPG said:
mrstickball said:
RPG said:
SO4 is using the unreal engine, that works for PS3 and no doubt SO4 will come to the PS3 but as a 6/12 month old port. Crystal Tools only came to be about 1-2 years ago, before it was the White engine which was much more powerful then the engine SE have now for FFXIII as it was made just for the PS3.

Versus is using a "modified" version of Crystal Tools according to Dengeki some time ago ala that is the white engine. Versus will be much much more difficult to go to the 360 as that truly is being built ground up for the PS3. SO4 will be a piece of cake though as should FFXIII.

The MMORPG is using Crystal Tools as is FFXIII, looking at the size of SE another FF game could be in the making. SO4 did not use the Crystal Tools engine because SE do not outsource there engines to tri-ACE or any other of the "lesser" teams.

Your wrong about SO4 using UE. I'm suprised you didn't know that it uses the Infinite Undiscovery engine, which is not a PS3 engine currently.

Here's the exact quote from IGN:

[This question was asked over 100 times] In the past the Star Ocean series has been known to be a Sony systems (PlayStation(s)) game only. With the fairly recent announcement of Final Fantasy XIII coming to the Xbox 360, do we have any chance of seeing Star Ocean 4 made for the PlayStation 3?

Star Ocean Dev Team:
There are currently no plans for a PlayStation 3 version.

What game engine is tri-Ace using for SO4, is it the Unreal 3.5 engine or an original engine created for the game??

Star Ocean Dev Team:
The engine being used for Star Ocean: The Last Hope is an original engine developed by tri-Ace. The same engine was used for Infinite Undiscovery as well.

Also, how is FFvsXIII being 'truly' build from the ground up for the PS3, and XIII was not?


Did not know that, must have been mistaken for TLR.

FFXIII was being built from ground up for PS3 however cut backs obviously had to be made for a multi-plat game. There are areas where PS3 is stronger and areas 360 is stronger so a balance has to be met. This is not the case with Versus where the KH team only need to worry about the PS3, that is why it is using a more powerful engine than the FFXIII team.



Actually you're wrong. FFXIII was built on the PC based Crystal Tools engine, which is made to work on multiple platforms and later even was remade to make it work on Wii. Versus uses the same engine, so could very easily be ported to the 360. Not saying they will here.