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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why all the hype for Killzone2?

Its a good game you wouldn't make a thread to say why the hype if you have killzone 2 on your mind which means the hype is working

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kabhold said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
I think it's a pretty good game. I'd call it AAA just from the presentation aspect. The reason it's getting so much attention is because it finally proves the Sony fanboys right in their assertion that the PS3 is capable of outperforming the 360 graphically, as well as the fact that this game is a PS3 exclusive. Can't get too mad at them. However, you can completely discredit their assertions that this game is gonna do much, by itself, to change the tide of the whole console war. That part is a joke, and anyone who even for a second, attempts to conform to that opinion, will be judged harshly by me.


Is there a PS3 game that you think could make this possible?

Serious question.


Individual games hardly ever change marketshare drasticaly , it's all about game libaries but the importance of a game libary dwindles as this generation goes on . Both platforms have stellar line ups so the consumer is looking to other factors such as online , price point , functionality etc.

Anyone saying X game is going to change the "console war" is delusional but I haven't heard any of that with Killzone 2 , it's just something certain people say alot PS3 fans claim which isn't the case.



what was the question again ?


I'm afraid lately 360 fanboys have been using the term "PS3 saviour" more than Ps3 fans themselves.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Imthelegend said:
Yeah just another game that has been hyped up to be the PS3 saviour and like the rest will be a good game that as zenfolder said will not help the PS3 in the console war.


no one hypes killzone 2 to be a savior. its just looking to be a damn fine game, ive already ordered it.

it always beats me that ppl like you always come out with that line "saviour" anytime a promising looking ps3 title is looming.

hate killzone and ps3 all you want, i dont give a damn. imo the best games are looking to be on ps3 this year.

no one game will change things, for sony all they need to work on is pricing, untill then it wont sell as much as 360. but in the meantime for those who have bought ps3`s they can enjoy tip-top games. thats what matters most.

why does everyone feel that they have the better end of the bargain if x console is selling more than y console.? you cant play sales but u certainly can play games. and killzone is looking to be one damn fine game.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

blazinhead89 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
I think it's a pretty good game. I'd call it AAA just from the presentation aspect. The reason it's getting so much attention is because it finally proves the Sony fanboys right in their assertion that the PS3 is capable of outperforming the 360 graphically, as well as the fact that this game is a PS3 exclusive. Can't get too mad at them. However, you can completely discredit their assertions that this game is gonna do much, by itself, to change the tide of the whole console war. That part is a joke, and anyone who even for a second, attempts to conform to that opinion, will be judged harshly by me.


Then I think you should be having a few words with some 360 fanboys, as is they that use the term "PS3 saviour " , not PS3 Fanboys .


thats exactly what i say, xbox fanboys lie.......for example killzone 2 is looking to be an excellent comes xbox fanboys claiming sony fans say killzone is thier saviour lol.

wen the next big ps3 game arrives the same will be rinsed and repeated, the same old lie

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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to OP.

killzone 2 has got the best grafix this gen, its got a superb offline and superb online.

although the game doesnt innovate as such, it has enough features to carry it through as an excellent game.

its ps3 only and i cant wait to play it. next stop infamous.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I have some reasons:

- *arguably* the best console graphics to date
- ps3 exclusive
- expected to be a AAA game (and is delievering with a metacritic average of 95 so far)
- deep multiplayer component that could possibly turn into one of the most played online games on ps3.
- Add to that future DLC content including more maps, possible co-op and more
- related to the 'ps3 exclusive' point, it's an exclusive SHOOTER for the ps3 - a genre that isn't particularly well represented on the ps3.
- (semi) destructible environments
- intense and hectic single player campaign (at least from what I've inferred from all the video footage of the game)
- it's been a long time coming...this game was shown way way back and it's finally going to be released

*big point* It actually meets or at times exceeds the footage shown in that infamous trailer.

*big point* shows the graphical capacity of the ps3, which leads to the next question. How much can GG or other ps3 developers improve on the graphics shown in killzone 2?

- ps3 owners excited over all of the above points and snowballing the hype.

Those are at least the things that I see contributing to the hype of the game.

I really hope this game sells 5 million+
The graphics are incredible and the atmosphere is unreal. It makes me sad that I only own a Wii...sometimes. I would love to play it someday, but the PS3 is too expensive for me at the moment.

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Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

It's more than likely a good game and on top of that it's an exclusive.

Also, at no point did I mention that the game will be:

- *the ps3's saviour* - not that the console needs a saviour anyway.

- that it will sell 10 million copies by the end of March or other ludicrous sales predictions.

Essentially it will be a fantastic game for alot of reasons and that's why it's getting alot of attention. And I am a ps3 owner, just to clarify.