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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why all the hype for Killzone2?

numonex said:
Hurry up Kill Zone 2 release date and then we can see an end of these annoying Kill Zone 2 threads popping up every hour. Kill Zone 2 threads are spreading like a virus on the internet.

How many Kill Zone 2 threads are there on VGChartz?

I google searched Kill Zone 2 the other day and it came up with 27 million hits.

Well, after it's released you will get a swarm of thread about how awesome it is and how you should buy it, blah, blah.

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Serious_frusting said:
eh you dont get it do you? it is not a FPS. it is a First Person war simulation game. and the only one in this new genre

Did you just put Killzone 2 in a genre unto itself?

Ok folks, when a FPS has people creating fake Superbowl ads for it, that people take around 20 pages to debate if it is or not, and then start putting it into a new genre, the hype level has just gone off the hook.

I would suggest we also come up with a common name for Gears, Halo, Resistance, Crysis and any other game with a crosshairs you use to shoot in front of you, while dodging distruction.  All the games would fit into it.  Gears belongs in this category also.  Someone who likes a FPS should like Gears also.

It is one thing to hype the technical prowless shown in KZ2, it is another to do fake ads, and say it is in an entirely new genre.  To say it also makes Gears 2 look like a "high school project", is pushing the hype level WAY too far.

I believe Resistance 2 has suffered due to KZ2 hype.  I am expecting the time I get around to getting Resistance 2, I will likely enjoy it a lot.  If I read what people say here, I will be VERY disappointed with it, because the sheer awesomeness of KZ2 makes it look HORRIBLE.  Maybe if Resistance 2 sold better, MAYBE it wouldn't get the hatred that it has been shown.

By the way, anyone want to track down those who are hyping up KZ2 now, and hold them to the fire after it comes out, and how they respond based on its sales?  If it does what LBP has claimed to have done, will anyone hold people to the fire if they start saying the sales were disappointing for KZ2 because the game sucked?  They will then complain the art direction was bad, it was based on a prior title that failed and so on.

I personally want all people who are pumped about Killzone 2, to stick with it after it is done, irregardless of the sales and hold serve saying the game is good.