halogamer1989 said:
Well Sony did open up the PS2 for third-world country dev and open source.
I'm not sure why they did that. maybe they were trying to get some dreamcast-esque indie support for Ps2.
halogamer1989 said:
Well Sony did open up the PS2 for third-world country dev and open source.
I'm not sure why they did that. maybe they were trying to get some dreamcast-esque indie support for Ps2.
Depends, what does "live" mean?
My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957
FelmanX said:
Are you saying they'll support it for longer than 10 years? That's what your last sentence is insinuating.
No I'm questioning what the whole 10 year support means. That it will be selling in large numbers for 10 years, or just supporting it till it's tenth year. Presumably no matter how well or bad the console is selling, there will be a big button pressed that says 'IF 10TH YEAR PRESS NOW TO CEASE SUPPORT FOR THE PS3'
Marketing bs or head dug in the sand. You decide.
Nope. Sony has lost a lot of money and 2008 was supposed to be the PS3's big year (All those 2009 guys can shut it, you know you thought it'd be 2008). It'll keep going, but 10 years is improbable, if not impossible
oh yeh obviously the PS1 and PS2 had ten years and the PS3 is very futureproof so it'll be around for a while that's for sure, third party can support the cell well into the next generation
Yes. And I'd also like to mention that I think this gen's going to be 7+ years for each console the least.
4 ≈ One
Yes. 3rd Parties will always release games on a console as long as they keep selling!
Yahh its just smart business.
new hardware launch costs billions.