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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which one should I buy ? PS3 or Xbox 360 ?

Slimebeast said:
Let the games decide

Halo 3, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Left 4 Dead, Alan Wake, Forza 3, Dead Rising, Mass Effect 1 & 2, Bioshock 2. +downloadable content to Fallout 3 and GTA4.


MGS4, Hevenly Sword, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Lil Big Planet, God of War 3, Grand Turismo 5, Uncharted 1 & 2, Valkyrie Chronicles.

You forgot valkyrie chronicles! blasphemy!! >:O


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^ I was counting on you to fix it. ^^

^ :P np, i almost forgot it to for a sec when i read your post, even more blasphemies! :I

Bioshock 1 and 2 are also/will be for PS3 as well, and as I keep saying if you got the money Halo 3, Fable 2, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, Mass Effect as well as Bioshock are all on PC. I can't believe the lack of love for PCs in this place :p

Sylvain316 said:

Ok, here the point : I want to buy a new console this weekend. I don't know which one to choose between the ps3 or the 360. I already got a wii so don't tell me a wii...

Why should I buy a PS3 ?

Why should I buy a 360 ?


Don't be so fanboy and be honnest in your comments. Thanks !

Games. Forget features - it's all about games.

You should name at least 5 games - OUT NOW - that you would purchase. If you can't see 5 you are interested in, I'd wait until you see the games you want.

As far as actual consoles, I prefer LIVE, the games and the support with the 360 over the PS3. It's a much lower entry point, has become much more reliable and has limited backwards compatiblity with a hard drive.

The PS3 offers Blu Ray, some cool platformers (LBP, Metal Gear) and has a good upcoming lineup, but don't be swayed by that until it comes out. Also, not a big fan of the mandatory installs. You can install games on the 360, but only if you want to.

Hope that helps.


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both systems are very similar. 360 cheaper system, PS3 free online. look at the exclusives and see which you like better. 360 - Gears of War 2, Mass Effect 2, and Halo. PS3 Resistance 2, Killzone 2, and Uncharted. Personally i prefer the PS3 for its free online and its platfomers. Either console is great to own. Also i would put this in mind if you like action/adventure games and some shooters than i recommend a PS3. If you just searching for a shooter console than i highly recommend a 360.


well since Killzone 2 is around the corner I'd get a PS3 and when I'm done I will kill someone and loot the corpse for some caps and buy a 360...

k back to my Fallout 3 now.. bye!

if ur a person who'd probably take full advantage of all the console features...then ps3 is right for you...

if you dont...and just want to play games....then get the console that has more games available to your liking

you like to watch movies in high quality??...then ps3

u should really look up the features of the console yourself and see which fits you better instead of asking people their opinions though...cuz most will give u opinions of console which they own and u wont get real reason to buy one over the other

Squilliam said:
I looked at your games collection, since you liked Goldeneye you might be interested in local multiplayer games, if you are the Xbox 360 does have a significant advantage in this area with both Gears of War and Halo 3 being fantastic in this arena. Theres also some 4 player Xbox Live games such as Uno and Castle-Crashers which you should take a look at also.

The Xbox 360 at this point has a significant advantage in the price of games and you can get a really good library for next to nothing. The games may be one year older, but they are just as fun.

The Xbox 360 has access to services such as Netflix which let you stream movies, satelite radio and it allows custom sound-tracks with all your games.

The use of batteries is probably an advantage for you since you already likely have recharable batteries for the Wii so the chances are you'll have charged batteries if you ever need them. You won't be forced to plug in your controller if you run out.

Lastly its cheaper! A low cost of entry for what will essentially be a 2nd fiddle system makes a lot of sense, don't you agree? If you find yourself completely besotted by the HD experience you can add a HDD to increase functionality but why pay for something you don't need initially?
