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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which one should I buy ? PS3 or Xbox 360 ?

Squilliam said:
I looked at your games collection, since you liked Goldeneye you might be interested in local multiplayer games, if you are the Xbox 360 does have a significant advantage in this area with both Gears of War and Halo 3 being fantastic in this arena. Theres also some 4 player Xbox Live games such as Uno and Castle-Crashers which you should take a look at also.

The Xbox 360 at this point has a significant advantage in the price of games and you can get a really good library for next to nothing. The games may be one year older, but they are just as fun.

The Xbox 360 has access to services such as Netflix which let you stream movies, satelite radio and it allows custom sound-tracks with all your games.

The use of batteries is probably an advantage for you since you already likely have recharable batteries for the Wii so the chances are you'll have charged batteries if you ever need them. You won't be forced to plug in your controller if you run out.

Lastly its cheaper! A low cost of entry for what will essentially be a 2nd fiddle system makes a lot of sense, don't you agree? If you find yourself completely besotted by the HD experience you can add a HDD to increase functionality but why pay for something you don't need initially?

Finally! Someone that actually cares about what the person really wants rather than pushing their own fanboyism. - thx squil

The 360 is cheaper and anything worth playing is on the 360 or multi-platform anyway. If you still want a ps3 afterward, there is sure to be a price drop by the end of the year.


Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

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if you wanna miss on

Uncharted 1 and 2
killzone 2
metal gear solid 4
god of war III
resistance 1 and 2
little big planet
ratchet and clacnk future 1 &2
motorstorm 1 &2


more reliable hardware

free online gameplay

blu ray player

upscaled DVD player

web browser

lots of multimedia functions

don't get the PS3,,,,Otherwise PS3 is the way to go ;)




I own both consoles and to be honest its really hard to tell you without knowing your preferences

To me the 360 trumps the ps3 but thats just because i like the controller and game selection way more. Also i'm huge fan of Live over PSN and play online constantly so thats a major deciding factor for me. If you don't online it won't really matter.

PS3's got a solid lineup of games as well and while I enjoy its exsclusives none of them (except for MGS4) really gave me that WOW impact that games like Gears 2, Fable 2, Halo3, and Lost Odyssey gave me.

So in the end just look at both consoles lineup and see which games you prefer. That should ultimatley be the deciding fact.

SpartanFX said:

if you wanna miss on

Uncharted 1 and 2
killzone 2
metal gear solid 4
god of war III
resistance 1 and 2
little big planet
ratchet and clacnk future 1 &2
motorstorm 1 &2


free online gameplay

blu ray player

upscaled DVD player

web browser

lots of multimedia functions

don't get the PS3,,,,Otherwise PS3 is the way to go ;)

wow way to give an unbiased and imformative opinion / sarcasm you could make a list of amazing AAA games for Wii and 360 as well that easily match that

Squilliam said:
I looked at your games collection, since you liked Goldeneye you might be interested in local multiplayer games, if you are the Xbox 360 does have a significant advantage in this area with both Gears of War and Halo 3 being fantastic in this arena. Theres also some 4 player Xbox Live games such as Uno and Castle-Crashers which you should take a look at also.

The Xbox 360 at this point has a significant advantage in the price of games and you can get a really good library for next to nothing. The games may be one year older, but they are just as fun.

The Xbox 360 has access to services such as Netflix which let you stream movies, satelite radio and it allows custom sound-tracks with all your games.

The use of batteries is probably an advantage for you since you already likely have recharable batteries for the Wii so the chances are you'll have charged batteries if you ever need them. You won't be forced to plug in your controller if you run out.

Lastly its cheaper! A low cost of entry for what will essentially be a 2nd fiddle system makes a lot of sense, don't you agree? If you find yourself completely besotted by the HD experience you can add a HDD to increase functionality but why pay for something you don't need initially?

Remember XBox 360 is much cheaper than PS3. XBox 360 has a much larger game library than PS3 as well.


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if you like RPG's (surprise) get an Xbox if you like Metal Gear Solid PS3

Check the link below. (note to Admins: it's not really porn please don't ban me!)


I find it hard to believe that someone doesn't know which system to get at this point...especially when one is priced at 199 and the other at 399.

You either want the Sony exclusives and really want a bluray player to pay that much for a ps3...

Otherwise you'd get a 360 which offers pretty much the same gaming experience (same visuals, sounds, 3rd party games, pretty good set of exclusives as well) and then some(better online, xbox live arcade if you like classic gaming, netflix)...and save 200 bucks or spend it to get a hard drive, extra accessories and a slew of older but amazing games.

disolitude said:

I find it hard to believe that someone doesn't know which system to get at this point...especially when one is priced at 199 and the other at 399.

You either want the Sony exclusives and really want a bluray player to pay that much for a ps3...

Otherwise you'd get a 360 which offers pretty much the same gaming experience (same visuals, sounds, 3rd party games, pretty good set of exclusives as well) and then some(better online, xbox live arcade if you like classic gaming, netflix)...and save 200 bucks or spend it to get a hard drive, extra accessories and a slew of older but amazing games.


not every one thinks like you,,,,if that was the general rule,360 would be at 50 million and PS3 at 12 million




SpartanFX said:
disolitude said:

I find it hard to believe that someone doesn't know which system to get at this point...especially when one is priced at 199 and the other at 399.

You either want the Sony exclusives and really want a bluray player to pay that much for a ps3...

Otherwise you'd get a 360 which offers pretty much the same gaming experience (same visuals, sounds, 3rd party games, pretty good set of exclusives as well) and then some(better online, xbox live arcade if you like classic gaming, netflix)...and save 200 bucks or spend it to get a hard drive, extra accessories and a slew of older but amazing games.


not every one thinks like you,,,,if that was the general rule,360 would be at 50 million and PS3 at 12 million

Price obviously isn't everything...but like i said in the part you didnt this point, and the way the ps3 vs 360 console war has played either want Sony exclusives and a bluray player or you get a 360 as it offers almost the same gaming experience(if not better) for half the price.

Really, what other reason is there to get a ps3?

Company loyalty? Maybe, but thats bias and is not good advice to a new purchaser.

Wifi? lol...yes someone is going to say "thats it, im getting a ps3 becuase it has built in Wifi."

if you can wait for the ps3 price cut and get it then, in 09 PS3 will have all the great multiplatform games plus all the great exclusive games, plus blu ray, a more reliable console