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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hypothethically, does the Conduit have any chance of outselling KZ2? Ltd.

I think that no. To think taht the consuit can sell better than killzone 2 is like to think Little big planet can outsell Mario Galaxy. Killzon 2 probably had a budget twice as big as the Conduit. I think than both games will be very successful but in different ways.

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I think both are going to be mediocre, but KZ2 will be mediocre with hype and The Conduit mediocre without hype. KZ2 will almost certainly sell more.

chasmatic12 said:
outlawauron said:
chasmatic12 said:
outlawauron said:
It can. But it most likely won't.

If Call of Duty: World at War can't sell well, why would The Conduit?

World at War can be purchased on the XBox 360, Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Nintendo DS, and PC.

And then why does it sell worse than the PS3 and 360 versions? THe PS3 and 360 market is flooded with great FPSs. The Wii hasn't had a good one since Metroid Prime 3.

I mean. If the Wii userbase only buys 600k while the 360 and PS3 base bought 4.5 and 2.6 milllion each. The Conduit doesn't even have the help of the holiday season. 

My point is that many multi-console owners chose the 360, PS3 or PC version over the Wii version.


Besides, isn't multi-console owners supposed to make up less than 10% of the market?

And isn't the Wii version better than the PS3 and 360 versions? I'm told that quite a lot here.

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travis said:
I think that no. To think taht the consuit can sell better than killzone 2 is like to think Little big planet can outsell Mario Galaxy. Killzon 2 probably had a budget twice as big as the Conduit. I think than both games will be very successful but in different ways.


Twice??? At least 10 times, but I think it's far closer to 20 times.

It´s this serious? did someone really saying KZ2 will be the big Savior of PS3? I don´tthink so. Most PS3 owners already want the game, that´s a fact, but this is the issue: ¿how many New Users take in? Not much, just as MGS4, don´t boost sales because as i said, most people interested in the game already owns a PS3.

The conduit it´s the other side of the mirror, most people interested in the game maybe don´t want buy a WII. But the Conduit have as support eclusive games as Madworld, House of Dead overkill and many others exclusives, menawhile PS3 haven´t some many exclusives for bring some coverat the moment of realize.


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numonex said:
Conduit will outsell Kill Zone 2 due to Wii having 2 and a half times the install base of Kill Zone 2.


Killzone 2 is a console?

Hell, no.

Let's look at World at War, shall we? Roughly the same review scores on Wii and PS3. And yet, the PS3 version has sold more than quadruple what the Wii version has sold.

The Wii has ONE million selling FPS. The PS3 has several.

Killzone 2's marketing will be enormous.

@Everybody saying Killzone 2 could get terrible reviews: 100, 99, 90.

Games like The Conduit do not sell on Wii. Games like Killzone 2 sell a hell of a lot on PS3.

Conduit should break a million. Killzone 2 should break 4 million.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

In case that wasn't enough evidence:

Best selling FPS on Wii: Red Steel with 1.08 million sales. Perhaps Metroid Prime 3 with 1.49 million sales, depending on how you define "FPS"

Best selling FPS on PS3: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, 3.97 million sales. World at War will likely overtake this soon.

We've seen that Killzone 2 is awesome. The Conduit could be better. It could be much better. It could be a masterpiece. But it will not outsell Killzone 2.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor, the point is Wii interest in some public increase thanks to many games, and the conduit it´s just the head of the iceberg. Killzone 2 haven´t support pform others games, not soon enought to make a big effect in the sales, as happen past year with MGS4>GT5>GTA4, Sony needs a new "game combo sequence" for rise the sales.