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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Yahoo - HOTTEST Games of 09!

darthdevidem01 said:
@montana hatchet

yahoo is a site for the masses

some of my friends who have PS3's have never heard of killzone 2

They've never heard of Killzone 2, I'm sure. But the masses are sure itching to play the latest Wolfenstein game.




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I think Wolfenstein has a good chance of selling better than Killzone 2 though.

Afterall, KZ2 is only on one platform.

so-so list. wheres my street fighter IV?

Wheres Street Fighter IV?

Halo Wars?? Huh?? And they didn't mention Empire:Total War or Dawn of War 2....

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shio said:
Halo Wars?? Huh?? And they didn't mention Empire:Total War or Dawn of War 2....


 How about you take off your (PC) fanboy glasses for a second?

I guess Killzone 2 isn't that big, but Brutal Legend is?

anyways pretty good list. Sims 3 should be sick

not much of a list, a lot of games are missing. where is killzone 2 and white knight?





every1 is whining

but none of you metnioned or lambasted them for missing out TWO of the BIGGEST TITLES of the year

Final Fantasy XIII (lightning is hot so its hotterrer)

Halo 3 ODST

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

An interesting thing to do is to look at the lists of the hotest games of the year in January and the compare them to December ...

Its not that these lists are particularly bad, but after a couple of games get delayed, a couple don't live up to (quality) expectations, and a couple of games have difficulty finding an audience the list at the beginning of the year has little resemblance to the list at the end of the year.