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Forums - Sony Discussion - Uncharted 2 to max out PS3's SPUs

Although I know U2 will be absolutely stunning, I hope it isn't going to max out the PS3.
As Squilliam (i think) once said anyone can max out just about any system by forcing it into infinate loops.
more efficent code will also lessen the risk of maxing out the thermal threshold of the PS3 which could lead to component or fan burn-out on some PS3's. This would be unwise.
I hope that they just mean that it will be spread out on all available SPU's instead of maxing out every SPU available.
tighter coding FTW!
If this post sounds odd it's because I'm currently knackered. deal with it. lol

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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Neither of the HD consoles will see their best looking game until 2012.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Lol it is not going to max out the power of the PS3.

It will have incredible graphics, probably second only to GoW3 as best of the year.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I never listen to this "Max out" talk, it's nonsense. Really looking forward to Uncharted 2 though.


All I can read into this is 1) PR talk 2) that they might "max out" the PS3 based on their knowledge of it and after finishing the game, they will learn more details about the ps3's working, allowing them to "max it out" some more.

Continuous process imho.

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I don't think they'll max it out. But it will sure be a feast for the eyes!

I am really getting tired of developers saying they've maxed out (insert console here). As soon as that same developer releases their next game they back pedal and say "oh no now we've maxed out (insert console here)", it's really getting old.

Yeah I don't buy it, you can always make optimizations to an engine :P Until they're engine is PERFECT, you can't really tell how much of a systems power your utilizing. They're talking silly :3

Maybe a reference to how much more they've managed to move over to the SPU's. Who knows ^_^

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

The source article lost credibility with me in just the second sentence, "vivd and charasmatic animations" [sic]. The abhorrent spelling that smacks of a fanboy's blog notwithstanding, I am of the opinion that Uncharted was a very, very good game that *just missed* the mantel of 'great' because the animations were limited and wooden. I applaud Naughty Dog's use of an art style resembling the rest of the playable bits of the game for the cut sequences (all the same art assets and so forth), and the dialog was outstanding, but that decision severely hampered what they could do with facial expressions and overall animations.

Heavenly Sword's animations (both in-game and pre-rendered) blew Uncharted out of the water, IMHO.

If I were pitching Uncharted to a friend as a recommendation to buy, I'd actually gloss over the animations, as they're hardly a selling point. The environments? Well yes, now that's a totally different story! But the animations? Um ... NO!