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Forums - Sony Discussion - In Sonys eyes what was best case scenario?

haxxiy said:
Sardauk said:
haxxiy said:

PS2 owners massively shift to PS3 creating the anaylists' expected PS3 sales overdrive.


Oh yeaaah ? Who ? Where ?

I'm a PS2 owners who "massively" (...) turned to the 360....psssh


More seriously, I am not sure Sony knew they would have to market the PS3 with such a high price... for me that is where they failed. Well, at least, they lost me there.



Did you noticed I said what would be the best case to Sony? Yes, I guess not. 

It does not matter if is pretty possible/likely or far-fetched. That's what Sony is expecting yto happen, that's why they're not even trying.

Yeaa I noticed but I don't believe in the scenario. To me, the PS3 has to become the "new PS2".

Trying means taking more financial risk (PS2 still sells pretty well). I don't know , they fucked it so hard that I'm confused...



Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

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Neoraf said:

Best case scenario for Sony?

Going the Sega way.
Better to keep SCE alive than to go bankrupt.

History repeats itself.

Your PS3 hate is annoying.

How was leaving the hardware business the best case scenario for Sony before the PS3 launched? Either you didn't read the OP, or you are trolling.

Sony are not going bankrupt anytime soon, Sega never won a gen, let alone TWO gens, one by 70 million sales, the other by 95 million sales.

I think their best case scenario at launch was demand to be so high that the PS3 sold well at launch, but not PS3 levels. They wanted to push their hardware. Meanwhile, they would cut the price and when it reached the mass market, THEN it would hit PS2 sales. They never considered Nintendo a threat, and thought Microsoft were only a minor threat. A 100 million unit lead over the PS2's competitors with the PS2 made SCE complacent.

Of course, Sony never saw the economic crisis coming, and without it, perhaps the PS3 could have lived up to their expectations...eventually. As it stands, the best case scenario (which I still consider quite likely) is for the PS3 to beat the 360 by about 10 million units, but be destroyed by the Wii in sales.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

haxxiy said:

PS2 owners massively shift to PS3 creating the anaylists' expected PS3 sales overdrive.


Although that is admitedly what they expected, they threw that plan out the window long ago.  A large portion of those loyal PS2 fans bought an XBOX 360 because of the PS3 launch delays.  So I don't think that Sony expects a mass exodus of PS2 users, because that already happened, and a lot of those users chose Wii and the 360.

Sony's only hope in my opinion is to drag their console out for a very long haul, and just hope they can continue to get the support of quality 3rd party developers in the mean time. 

And that really is expecting a lot if Sony's "10-year plan" is actually their strategy for success. 

Sony's has an uphill battle because they are way behind in the race for space in the living room, and are battling this upward slant in a very poor market environment.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Sony expected the PS2 owners to move to the PS3. They should now focus on easing the ps2 out of the game

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Sony was expecting people to spend $500+ on a video game system. Most analysts were expecting the sale thing. They were all very wrong.

Sony's best case now, it to get the PS3 to $300 ASAP. Combine this with quality exclusives and a PS3 slim by next Christmas. Sales should jump back ahead of the 360. (at least until another MS price cut)

Around the Network
colonelstubbs said:
Sony expected the PS2 owners to move to the PS3. They should now focus on easing the ps2 out of the game


As well as crash the remaining competition to oblivion. That would have been the best case scenario!


Sony expected PS2 owners to jump on board the PS3, but this has not happened. What we have seen due to PS3's high launch price combined with various other internal and external factors PS3 has sold less than expected which in a way is good for Sony because the losses from PS3 could be much higher than what it is at the moment.
However there is always time and things can turn around for Sony and PS3 in next few years but at the moment that is unlikely.
Where there is life there is always hope.

WiiStation360 said:
Sony was expecting people to spend $500+ on a video game system. Most analysts were expecting the sale thing. They were all very wrong.

Sony's best case now, it to get the PS3 to $300 ASAP. Combine this with quality exclusives and a PS3 slim by next Christmas. Sales should jump back ahead of the 360. (at least until another MS price cut)


A PS3 slim would do nothing for sales...

But I do agree that they need to get the console price below $300 ASAP.  But if Sony really waits as long as they said they would, then chances are MS will drop the XBOX 360 below $150.00 at the same time. 

Sony dug a hole that they can't get out of by making an all-powerful beast of a console.  Too expensive to buy and too technologically advanced to afford a price drop.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Comrade Tovya said:
WiiStation360 said:
Sony was expecting people to spend $500+ on a video game system. Most analysts were expecting the sale thing. They were all very wrong.

Sony's best case now, it to get the PS3 to $300 ASAP. Combine this with quality exclusives and a PS3 slim by next Christmas. Sales should jump back ahead of the 360. (at least until another MS price cut)


A PS3 slim would do nothing for sales...

But I do agree that they need to get the console price below $300 ASAP.  But if Sony really waits as long as they said they would, then chances are MS will drop the XBOX 360 below $150.00 at the same time. 

Sony dug a hole that they can't get out of by making an all-powerful beast of a console.  Too expensive to buy and too technologically advanced to afford a price drop.

Sony drops price to $300. MS may or may not drop the price on the $200 Arcade. However the Pro and elite could get a $50 price cut.

Sony drops PS3 to $350 early 2009, MS will probably sit back and watch and see how things unfold. The main sales are in the last quarter of the year so MS will likely cut its price in September next year.

So many possibilities can happen in 2009 in regards to Sony and MS pricing. Nintendo will 99.9% certainty leave the wii unchange in price at $249 price tag.


Neoraf said:

Best case scenario for Sony?

Going the Sega way.
Better to keep SCE alive than to go bankrupt.

History repeats itself.


Are you fucking serious? You think in Sony"s eyes that is the best case scenario?