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Comrade Tovya said:
WiiStation360 said:
Sony was expecting people to spend $500+ on a video game system. Most analysts were expecting the sale thing. They were all very wrong.

Sony's best case now, it to get the PS3 to $300 ASAP. Combine this with quality exclusives and a PS3 slim by next Christmas. Sales should jump back ahead of the 360. (at least until another MS price cut)


A PS3 slim would do nothing for sales...

But I do agree that they need to get the console price below $300 ASAP.  But if Sony really waits as long as they said they would, then chances are MS will drop the XBOX 360 below $150.00 at the same time. 

Sony dug a hole that they can't get out of by making an all-powerful beast of a console.  Too expensive to buy and too technologically advanced to afford a price drop.

Sony drops price to $300. MS may or may not drop the price on the $200 Arcade. However the Pro and elite could get a $50 price cut.

Sony drops PS3 to $350 early 2009, MS will probably sit back and watch and see how things unfold. The main sales are in the last quarter of the year so MS will likely cut its price in September next year.

So many possibilities can happen in 2009 in regards to Sony and MS pricing. Nintendo will 99.9% certainty leave the wii unchange in price at $249 price tag.