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Forums - Website Topics - Moderators please I am begging you.

yup. Trolling galore here at VG chartz. But it aint so bad. I mean the topic is video games. Its not like people are arguing over religion, politics or sports. Then it would get real ugly real fast.

The one thing I dont think should be stood for are the personal attacks though. I do see em from time to time. Its just plain immature.

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Solid_Raiden said:
Welcome to the internet. If you think it's just this site, your crazy. I've seen much worse. MUCH WORSE.
Also, there are terrible trolls on all sides, not just the sony side even though you might be right about the sony ones being really bad lately. IDK. In the end, it doesn't really matter. Just ignore them, it's not like they are real people, just words on a computer.

I remember, there was a youtube gamer site this guy set. It was pretty cool, just had a bunch of discussion forms. But no bans. Guess what happened?

Spammers show up and spread like a plague. Wii fanboys, being few in numbers on that site already, left. moderates, like myself, were sick of spammers filling our threads with

DVDS! CHEAP! CHECK PS3 fanboys and 360 fanboys were left. I logged in a few weeks later and all threads were filled with Sony fanboys and spam.


You are correct most large forums have problems with trolls, but with that said the forums on this sight have always been of a higher quality then most. They can be so again the good posters have not been chased out of these forums yet. All we need is a good cleaning to get the forums back to their higher quality.

To paraphrase Chris Rock you cannot say they are ignorant so we can be ignorant. That's dumb. You have to worry about doing your own thing. You cannot give a fuck about them. The fact that so many forums are shitty does not mean these forums have to be shitty, and there are a lot of good forums out there.

Your never going to get rid of all the trolls, but that doesn't mean you cannot curtail them. Yes they come back, but the moderators here have always been good about knocking them down over and over again. Eventually they do give up, because the community refused to entertain them. When members get out of line, and just about everyone does at one point or another they get smacked down, and that usually gives them time to calm down, and come back better for it.

MontanaHatchet said:
psrock said:
MontanaHatchet said:
psrock said:
well, I don't want nobody complaining when half of the site gets ban, you guys don't know how quick Monti ban finger is.

He might lock the virgin thread again.

I would ban you if not for your sex-tronic avatar.



I use it as shield, who could ban something so sexy?

If you stare at it really closely, it looks like a mountain pass with a yellow road going off into the distance.




Well, that would be one heck of a stroll down the yellow road...but I digress...death to the trolls!

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

@ Dodece The thing is that the more members there are on a site, the more good and bad members there will be. There will be more quality members but also some bad ones. This site is growing extremely quickly and I can understand the problem that the moderators must be having. They can't just go ban crazy because this would make it so members are afraid to even express their opinion. There is a fine line.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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I think a big problem stems from VGCharts picking up more popularity. So many new members have come in, although some are awesome new insightful posters, a lot of them are trolls.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

This place is actually well kept and I enjoy the members (most of the time). Things can get heated, but gamers are passionate.....hell its a hobby and a blast. Whenever the "Ban-Hammer" fly's those members just create an alt account and troll even more.

If anything, banning less, helps us relate/identify/tolerate that member. When frequent and welcome members like "Crazyman" or "Leo-J" post, I know that an intelligent rant/defense/information regarding a Sony brand console, or handheld, will follow.....and I like that. Sure, I am a big 360 supporter, but I like to "go at it" and usually I am humble enough to identify/relate to the PS3 strength. Hell, I would even like to own one (maybe someday). When a non-avatar, 10 total posts, (I just created a new account cause i got banned and i am pissed) type member responds in a heated thread, it just creates more issues.

I would rather duke it out with a member who's got some spunk and doesnt stop posting as soon as "said console" stops selling well.......(here's looking at Sony fans). Hell, I was here during the June-Aug months supporting the 360 when the "360 doom threads" were everywhere......maybe I was not popular, but I stuck with it.

If anything this place is cake, cause, as a sports fan.......the ESPN, CBS Sports Line,, ect sites are ruthless......freaking curb-stomp your mother dont turn this place into a Pussies only site.....cause, I enjoy a bit of drama, and love gaming.


Unfortunately while your logic is sound it is actually the opposite that is the case. A lot of the trolling is coming out of long time members. Posters that have often been here for over a year. They have just decided that they are going to misbehave. They seemingly have nothing more to contribute, and just want to be mean spirited assholes.

That is what makes it sad, and is probably hard on the moderators. Maybe they just do not want to see it, or want to give them leeway. However there is no doubt about it a lot of old time members have gone right to the rot. One day they were rational, reasonable, and thoughtful. Now they just seem to be hell bent on hurting other posters.

I agree that what you said should probably have been the case, but the majority of the new users are well behaved. In fact most of the miscreant new posters I have little doubt are posters that were banned a long time ago. Scratching an itch by creating an alternate account. I honestly have no clue what to make of it other then they think it is end game. They think their lighthearted war is drawing to a close, and they want to leave with as much satisfaction as possible.

Really sad actually that someone wants to wind down their console war debates by trying to cause as much harm as possible. Like they think they will not get paid otherwise. When the truth is the journey was the fun part. In these wars winning is supposed to be bitter sweet. Your glad to be proven right, but you have to know that, and know that the debating you enjoyed is probably gone as well.


Get over it. All people do here now is cry like little babies.