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This place is actually well kept and I enjoy the members (most of the time). Things can get heated, but gamers are passionate.....hell its a hobby and a blast. Whenever the "Ban-Hammer" fly's those members just create an alt account and troll even more.

If anything, banning less, helps us relate/identify/tolerate that member. When frequent and welcome members like "Crazyman" or "Leo-J" post, I know that an intelligent rant/defense/information regarding a Sony brand console, or handheld, will follow.....and I like that. Sure, I am a big 360 supporter, but I like to "go at it" and usually I am humble enough to identify/relate to the PS3 strength. Hell, I would even like to own one (maybe someday). When a non-avatar, 10 total posts, (I just created a new account cause i got banned and i am pissed) type member responds in a heated thread, it just creates more issues.

I would rather duke it out with a member who's got some spunk and doesnt stop posting as soon as "said console" stops selling well.......(here's looking at Sony fans). Hell, I was here during the June-Aug months supporting the 360 when the "360 doom threads" were everywhere......maybe I was not popular, but I stuck with it.

If anything this place is cake, cause, as a sports fan.......the ESPN, CBS Sports Line,, ect sites are ruthless......freaking curb-stomp your mother dont turn this place into a Pussies only site.....cause, I enjoy a bit of drama, and love gaming.