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You are correct most large forums have problems with trolls, but with that said the forums on this sight have always been of a higher quality then most. They can be so again the good posters have not been chased out of these forums yet. All we need is a good cleaning to get the forums back to their higher quality.

To paraphrase Chris Rock you cannot say they are ignorant so we can be ignorant. That's dumb. You have to worry about doing your own thing. You cannot give a fuck about them. The fact that so many forums are shitty does not mean these forums have to be shitty, and there are a lot of good forums out there.

Your never going to get rid of all the trolls, but that doesn't mean you cannot curtail them. Yes they come back, but the moderators here have always been good about knocking them down over and over again. Eventually they do give up, because the community refused to entertain them. When members get out of line, and just about everyone does at one point or another they get smacked down, and that usually gives them time to calm down, and come back better for it.