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Unfortunately while your logic is sound it is actually the opposite that is the case. A lot of the trolling is coming out of long time members. Posters that have often been here for over a year. They have just decided that they are going to misbehave. They seemingly have nothing more to contribute, and just want to be mean spirited assholes.

That is what makes it sad, and is probably hard on the moderators. Maybe they just do not want to see it, or want to give them leeway. However there is no doubt about it a lot of old time members have gone right to the rot. One day they were rational, reasonable, and thoughtful. Now they just seem to be hell bent on hurting other posters.

I agree that what you said should probably have been the case, but the majority of the new users are well behaved. In fact most of the miscreant new posters I have little doubt are posters that were banned a long time ago. Scratching an itch by creating an alternate account. I honestly have no clue what to make of it other then they think it is end game. They think their lighthearted war is drawing to a close, and they want to leave with as much satisfaction as possible.

Really sad actually that someone wants to wind down their console war debates by trying to cause as much harm as possible. Like they think they will not get paid otherwise. When the truth is the journey was the fun part. In these wars winning is supposed to be bitter sweet. Your glad to be proven right, but you have to know that, and know that the debating you enjoyed is probably gone as well.