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Solid_Raiden said:
Welcome to the internet. If you think it's just this site, your crazy. I've seen much worse. MUCH WORSE.
Also, there are terrible trolls on all sides, not just the sony side even though you might be right about the sony ones being really bad lately. IDK. In the end, it doesn't really matter. Just ignore them, it's not like they are real people, just words on a computer.

I remember, there was a youtube gamer site this guy set. It was pretty cool, just had a bunch of discussion forms. But no bans. Guess what happened?

Spammers show up and spread like a plague. Wii fanboys, being few in numbers on that site already, left. moderates, like myself, were sick of spammers filling our threads with

DVDS! CHEAP! CHECK PS3 fanboys and 360 fanboys were left. I logged in a few weeks later and all threads were filled with Sony fanboys and spam.