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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3's price is plain wrong! Wrong!

I always thought of the ps2 as a very cheap console -I bought it for 500$ -, it's giving me lots of fun everyday and I want to give sony more money because the ps2 is underpriced

no this is not a joke post the ps2 is very cheap

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The gerneral consumer doesnt know what the ps3 offers, they just view it as a gaming machine.



Want to pay more for your PS3? come live in Australia

^ or come to Egypt ^^

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DMeisterJ said:


For the first time in my life, I can't tell if you are being serious or not.

@scottie I hear the weather is nice this time of year.



@ Acevil : it's nicer here or in KSA so come and buy it XD

blackstar said:
@ Acevil : it's nicer here or in KSA so come and buy it XD


The problem is even if I wanted to pay more, a pal version ps3......well enough said right.


Never thought I'd see the day, but DMJ's post is sooooooo full of win. ROTFLMBO.