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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - (Rumor) Leaked "Tales" trailer for the Wii

If they ported Vesperia it would probably have better gameplay so it wouldn't be "gimped" in that aspect.

Graphically, it doesn't really matter. Tales games very rarely push their platforms technically, Vesperia was no different but would still be one of the better looking games in the series on the Wii.

Bring it, Namco. Do it and BRING IT!

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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ClaudeLv250 said:
If they ported Vesperia it would probably have better gameplay so it wouldn't be "gimped" in that aspect.

Graphically, it doesn't really matter. Tales games very rarely push their platforms technically, Vesperia was no different but would still be one of the better looking games in the series on the Wii.

Bring it, Namco. Do it and BRING IT!

If it's a port, how could it possibly have better gameplay? Remember that controller preference is subjective...


Shadowblind said:
sc94597 said:
@shadowblind Gimped? How so? Graphically?I would say that vesperia isn't anywhere near a graphical powerhouse. Even if it has to be downgraded(which I doubt) it wouldn't have too be downgraded too much. If that is all then your definition of "gimped" is different from mine.

Not as many enemies on screen at one time.

Huh? I don't remember there being too many HIGH Detailed models that the wii couldn't handle. Even so make them even less detailed would solve the problem, and wouldn't affect the number. That is not a problem unless you are graphics whore, which you aren't if you own a wii only.

Not as large cities at any one time.

Again lower the detail, but I don't remember any times where you have to load a whole city. Most of the time it would load parts.

Not as much detail and graphically powered. 

Again there isn't too much detail that the Wii cannot handle. Just look at the screens of this new tales game. The distance between that and vesperia isn't apparent at all. This doesn't matter anyway cause Wii owners ARE NOT graphic whores.

Not as many special effects.

I agree here cause there were some nice effects going on in Vesperia, but yet again Wii owners wouldn't care.

See "dead rising" vs. "dead rising chop til you drop"

No we aren't trying to run hundred of zombies here. We trying to run a game that has AT MOST a few dozen enemies in a small non sandbox environment(DR is Sandbox). These models are probably more detailed than the Zombies of dead rising, but there is still so many fewer ones that it doesn't matter. Also if you watched the new dead rising chop till you drop vid you see that they are getting close graphically to the 360 version(with the exception of some shaders), and that there is a good number of Zombies on screen. By release we could probably see almost as many Zombies. So no there is a difference. Dead Rising is a low detailed game graphically with a sandbox environment, and hundreds of Zombies. Tales of Vesperia is slightly more detailed graphically than Dead Rising(but still low detailed for a 360 game) that has sectioned environments and at most dozens of enemies on screen in this sectioned environment. Also Wii owners DON"T care about graphics as long as they are good for the wii. To them it wouldn't be toned down. 

And honestly? Stop insulting Vesperia's graphics. I'm getting damn well sick of people saying that Namdai's idea of HD isn't HD at all. The Wii has great graphics capabilities, ect. ect. but when a game developer says they are making a game HD, you better expect they'd have to tone it down in the graphics department for a non-HD system.

I'm not insulting it one bit. I'm telling the truth. For a 360 game Vesperia isn't even close to being technically impressive. Artistically it is though, and that is what makes the game beatiful. Also when the game doesn't push the HD Sytem much at all, you better expect that toning down to be very small or, almost nonexistant.

I personally wouldn't mind it coming to Wii. But I'm not going to have of you insult Vesperia's power and Namco Bandai's hard work.

I'm not insulting vesperia. Personally to me that is a compliment. For a game to rely on art over technicallity I get impressed. Not many HD Games do that. So maybe to you I'm insulting it, but to me its a compliment. That is also one of the reasons why Vesperia is my favorite 360 game.

Overall it would be the same game with slightly worse graphics. It would play the same, have the same general visual style(not technical). The story would be the same, the characters would be the same, the monsters would be the same. Imo far from gimped. The only people who would feel it as gimped are those who care about graphics alot.




Cactus said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
If they ported Vesperia it would probably have better gameplay so it wouldn't be "gimped" in that aspect.

Graphically, it doesn't really matter. Tales games very rarely push their platforms technically, Vesperia was no different but would still be one of the better looking games in the series on the Wii.

Bring it, Namco. Do it and BRING IT!

If it's a port, how could it possibly have better gameplay? Remember that controller preference is subjective...


The same way they improved the Symphonia port. By tweaking the combat, adding scenarios and reinserting things that got cut or were missing for some bizarre reason (mystic artes). Depending on their dedication, they may even add more playable characters.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

So you already know Wii's horsepower but still trying to compare with 360?
It looks like you trying to compare Vespa with Harley.

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cool, i better get working on tales of symphonia 2 for the wii and the original as well.





Its like none of you have even ever seen Vesperia and Symphonia. And this is just from a graphical standpoint. Heres some quotes for the needy. Keep in mind as you read, that my point never was that it COULDN'T be ported--but it'll take more then "a small downgrade" to do it.

" So for Tales of Vesperia, we really wanted to do it in HD, which meant we decided the PS2 was out. Tales of the Abyss was a big hit for us on the PS2, and we wanted to do something like that again. That plan was rejected, so we thought about how things would play out. And that's when we decided to put the game on the next-gen Xbox 360."

There for reference, not for why it won't be ported (Though the HD argument could still be used here)

"In Vesperia, we’re taking advantage of the Xbox 360’s power to make the map blocks many times larger than those in Abyss. You could call it a “semi-seamless” design."

Smaller cities. Understand?

"The move to the Xbox 360 gave us dramatically increased expressive potential, and we were able to create landscape graphics with even more of a warm, hand-drawn look than ever before. You’ll definitely be able to feel the difference."

"This time around, as I’m sure most of you know, the game is being developed for the Xbox 360. With the more advanced hardware capabilities, not only have the graphics improved, but we’ve also been able to stuff in various game elements that would have been difficult to implement in the past due to processor and memory limitations."


 Now screen comparisons.





GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Soriku said:

You're using ToS: DotNW shots? lol. When we get a more complete build shots of Tales then we'll talk. The difference between this new Wii Tales and ToV doesn't seem huge. Only difference is the art styles between them.

THATS what I want to hear. I can believe the new Tales being closer, I just want to see it. But people have been comparing Vesperia to DotNW, not the new one, and to that end, the winner is clear in graphical and technical terms(As it should have been obviously all along -_-') . I'm willing to wait for the new one before I jump to any final conclusions, because the trailer, even if not really revealing, looks SICK. But as I have seen from the only other Tales I can compare to, Vesperia wouldnt be even close to portable without large technical downgrades.

Though like I said before, I wouldn't mind if Vesperia was released on Wii. I'd buy it. 


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Shadowblind said:

Its like none of you have even ever seen Vesperia and Symphonia. And this is just from a graphical standpoint. Heres some quotes for the needy. Keep in mind as you read, that my point never was that it COULDN'T be ported--but it'll take more then "a small downgrade" to do it.

" So for Tales of Vesperia, we really wanted to do it in HD, which meant we decided the PS2 was out. Tales of the Abyss was a big hit for us on the PS2, and we wanted to do something like that again. That plan was rejected, so we thought about how things would play out. And that's when we decided to put the game on the next-gen Xbox 360."

Wii =/= PS2. I would say the difference between the Wii and PS2 is about the same between Wii and 360. So I don't see what this is suppose to prove. They just say the PS2 isn't powerful enough to do what they want. Now graphical power isn't divided between HD and SD. That is just what resolution it supports. Graphically power also differentiates between a the two. They could probably have done what they did in Vesperia in HD on the Wii in SD(many time less ram, and cpu cycles is saved when you switch resolutions).

There for reference, not for why it won't be ported (Though the HD argument could still be used here)

"In Vesperia, we’re taking advantage of the Xbox 360’s power to make the map blocks many times larger than those in Abyss. You could call it a “semi-seamless” design."

Again they are comparing to a ps2 game. The Map Blocks in a Wii version will still be many times larger than those of Abyss. Maybe even the same amount seeing that again SD saves power compared to HD.

Smaller cities. Understand?

"The move to the Xbox 360 gave us dramatically increased expressive potential, and we were able to create landscape graphics with even more of a warm, hand-drawn look than ever before. You’ll definitely be able to feel the difference."

"This time around, as I’m sure most of you know, the game is being developed for the Xbox 360. With the more advanced hardware capabilities, not only have the graphics improved, but we’ve also been able to stuff in various game elements that would have been difficult to implement in the past due to processor and memory limitations."

Still comparing the to the PS2. PS2=/=Wii.  Think of it this way. The Wii could do most things the Xbox 360 and PS3 could just not as good, and in smaller quantities. The PS2 can not do anything the 360 or PS3 can do. When the Xbox 360 is doing this in HD without it pushing it at all, then the Wii could probably do the same in SD with a little push. You will lose out on some shaders and quality, but overall it will be the same game. Also notice that the things they mentioned are also present in this new tales, and note that this game just started developement.

 Now screen comparisons.

And ToS:Dawn of the New World is the bar for Wii graphics? How about we compare the new tales of game for the Wii to vesperia.






Look at the Water. Not much of a difference other than style. Also note the Draw Distances in the Tales Wii. You could see mountains in the distance.

We only really have one pic of an enemy, but notice there isn't much less detail in the model of the Tales Wii monster than that of the Vesperia ones. Actually I would argue that it looks more realistic and could possibly have more detail. The models also look more 3d which is probably harder to pull off. There is more going on in the Vesperia screen, but I do have a limited number of these new Tales of screens so we will have to do with what we got. Oh and again look behind in the backround at the water. You actually see waves and land. So that seems to be more detailed than the Water in the one vesperia pic as well.


Again I would say some things are even more detailed in this pic of the Wii Tales. Like the trees. They look like they have more polygons. Also the shaders in the trees look more realistic. There are alot more trees as well.  Also look at the textures of the bottom pic of vesperia. Alot of them look blurrier than those of the new Wii tales. A few of these screens you picked though aren't really too impressive, and I could have picked better pics for vesperia. Overall though if both games were released in SD for the Wii, I would say that the new Wii Tales is technically more impressive. Vesperia wins though because it probably uses much more power because it is made to be in HD. Also note that the Wii tales is far from being done, and it will probably look much much better than this.

Here are just a few more pics of the Wii tales that look impressive.

Look at the detail in the snow and the trees.


The things that I think vesperia excells in though are the effects and lighting. This is something I don't think the wii could replicate well, but definately won't cause most wii owners to believe that the game is gimped. Both these things could be taking out easily. Also another thing I should adress is my definition of " a small downgrade" to yours. If a game needs a brand new engine and has to be built from nothing when ported like Dead Rising Drop Til You Drop then that is a medium-large downgrade. That means it takes alot of effort to port. When a game just needs some graphical effects and detail taking out without being made from scratch then that is a "small downgrade". Vesperia imo wouldn't need to be made from scratch and would require "a small downgrade". Also "small downgrades" don't really affect the way the game plays or feels, while larger ones may.

"Again I would say some things are even more detailed in this pic of the Wii Tales. Like the trees. They look like they have more polygons. Also the shaders in the trees look more realistic. There are alot more trees as well. Also look at the textures of the bottom pic of vesperia. Alot of them look blurrier than those of the new Wii tales. A few of these screens you picked though aren't really too impressive, and I could have picked better pics for vesperia. Overall though if both games were released in SD for the Wii, I would say that the new Wii Tales is technically more impressive. Vesperia wins though because it probably uses much more power because it is made to be in HD. Also note that the Wii tales is far from being done, and it will probably look much much better than this."

This entire paragraph just makes me not want to even bother anymore, to be perfectly honest. I'm just glad you didn't start saying the characters look even better, I would have to bring my ol' friend Picard in here if you did :P. If you think those blurry things look more detailed as Vesperia's trees, we need to end this here. If you want to say "Wait until the non-blurry pics are released, there look great for being blurry", I will do just that, and wait. Until then, I only *facepalm* at the aforementioned statement. As for the shaders, they appear to be part of the tree's texture rather then shaders. Notice in the bottom right hand corner; the shadow is going the wrong way, most likely indicating the shadow is part of the sprite/texture itself, for both the trees and other objects. This is also mildly apparent in the mountain(?) in the upper right hand corner. So as far as shading goes, there appears to be no dynamic shading at all, thus making any mention of shading as detail moot. But I digress.

Those new Tales images could've fooled me into thinking it was DotNW should I not have seen the trailer. I'm afraid as far as draw distance goes, that image of the new Tales you posted may be a section of en entire area, like every Tales game before it has done. The barren landscape is a clue to this. Its like its dead....observation only, obviously. Impressive draw distance otherwise.

These arguments are fun :D I'm off for tonight. Chemistry exam tommorow. Keep the thread running, eh?

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.