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Shadowblind said:
sc94597 said:
@shadowblind Gimped? How so? Graphically?I would say that vesperia isn't anywhere near a graphical powerhouse. Even if it has to be downgraded(which I doubt) it wouldn't have too be downgraded too much. If that is all then your definition of "gimped" is different from mine.

Not as many enemies on screen at one time.

Huh? I don't remember there being too many HIGH Detailed models that the wii couldn't handle. Even so make them even less detailed would solve the problem, and wouldn't affect the number. That is not a problem unless you are graphics whore, which you aren't if you own a wii only.

Not as large cities at any one time.

Again lower the detail, but I don't remember any times where you have to load a whole city. Most of the time it would load parts.

Not as much detail and graphically powered. 

Again there isn't too much detail that the Wii cannot handle. Just look at the screens of this new tales game. The distance between that and vesperia isn't apparent at all. This doesn't matter anyway cause Wii owners ARE NOT graphic whores.

Not as many special effects.

I agree here cause there were some nice effects going on in Vesperia, but yet again Wii owners wouldn't care.

See "dead rising" vs. "dead rising chop til you drop"

No we aren't trying to run hundred of zombies here. We trying to run a game that has AT MOST a few dozen enemies in a small non sandbox environment(DR is Sandbox). These models are probably more detailed than the Zombies of dead rising, but there is still so many fewer ones that it doesn't matter. Also if you watched the new dead rising chop till you drop vid you see that they are getting close graphically to the 360 version(with the exception of some shaders), and that there is a good number of Zombies on screen. By release we could probably see almost as many Zombies. So no there is a difference. Dead Rising is a low detailed game graphically with a sandbox environment, and hundreds of Zombies. Tales of Vesperia is slightly more detailed graphically than Dead Rising(but still low detailed for a 360 game) that has sectioned environments and at most dozens of enemies on screen in this sectioned environment. Also Wii owners DON"T care about graphics as long as they are good for the wii. To them it wouldn't be toned down. 

And honestly? Stop insulting Vesperia's graphics. I'm getting damn well sick of people saying that Namdai's idea of HD isn't HD at all. The Wii has great graphics capabilities, ect. ect. but when a game developer says they are making a game HD, you better expect they'd have to tone it down in the graphics department for a non-HD system.

I'm not insulting it one bit. I'm telling the truth. For a 360 game Vesperia isn't even close to being technically impressive. Artistically it is though, and that is what makes the game beatiful. Also when the game doesn't push the HD Sytem much at all, you better expect that toning down to be very small or, almost nonexistant.

I personally wouldn't mind it coming to Wii. But I'm not going to have of you insult Vesperia's power and Namco Bandai's hard work.

I'm not insulting vesperia. Personally to me that is a compliment. For a game to rely on art over technicallity I get impressed. Not many HD Games do that. So maybe to you I'm insulting it, but to me its a compliment. That is also one of the reasons why Vesperia is my favorite 360 game.

Overall it would be the same game with slightly worse graphics. It would play the same, have the same general visual style(not technical). The story would be the same, the characters would be the same, the monsters would be the same. Imo far from gimped. The only people who would feel it as gimped are those who care about graphics alot.