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Its like none of you have even ever seen Vesperia and Symphonia. And this is just from a graphical standpoint. Heres some quotes for the needy. Keep in mind as you read, that my point never was that it COULDN'T be ported--but it'll take more then "a small downgrade" to do it.

" So for Tales of Vesperia, we really wanted to do it in HD, which meant we decided the PS2 was out. Tales of the Abyss was a big hit for us on the PS2, and we wanted to do something like that again. That plan was rejected, so we thought about how things would play out. And that's when we decided to put the game on the next-gen Xbox 360."

There for reference, not for why it won't be ported (Though the HD argument could still be used here)

"In Vesperia, we’re taking advantage of the Xbox 360’s power to make the map blocks many times larger than those in Abyss. You could call it a “semi-seamless” design."

Smaller cities. Understand?

"The move to the Xbox 360 gave us dramatically increased expressive potential, and we were able to create landscape graphics with even more of a warm, hand-drawn look than ever before. You’ll definitely be able to feel the difference."

"This time around, as I’m sure most of you know, the game is being developed for the Xbox 360. With the more advanced hardware capabilities, not only have the graphics improved, but we’ve also been able to stuff in various game elements that would have been difficult to implement in the past due to processor and memory limitations."


 Now screen comparisons.





GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.