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"Again I would say some things are even more detailed in this pic of the Wii Tales. Like the trees. They look like they have more polygons. Also the shaders in the trees look more realistic. There are alot more trees as well. Also look at the textures of the bottom pic of vesperia. Alot of them look blurrier than those of the new Wii tales. A few of these screens you picked though aren't really too impressive, and I could have picked better pics for vesperia. Overall though if both games were released in SD for the Wii, I would say that the new Wii Tales is technically more impressive. Vesperia wins though because it probably uses much more power because it is made to be in HD. Also note that the Wii tales is far from being done, and it will probably look much much better than this."

This entire paragraph just makes me not want to even bother anymore, to be perfectly honest. I'm just glad you didn't start saying the characters look even better, I would have to bring my ol' friend Picard in here if you did :P. If you think those blurry things look more detailed as Vesperia's trees, we need to end this here. If you want to say "Wait until the non-blurry pics are released, there look great for being blurry", I will do just that, and wait. Until then, I only *facepalm* at the aforementioned statement. As for the shaders, they appear to be part of the tree's texture rather then shaders. Notice in the bottom right hand corner; the shadow is going the wrong way, most likely indicating the shadow is part of the sprite/texture itself, for both the trees and other objects. This is also mildly apparent in the mountain(?) in the upper right hand corner. So as far as shading goes, there appears to be no dynamic shading at all, thus making any mention of shading as detail moot. But I digress.

Those new Tales images could've fooled me into thinking it was DotNW should I not have seen the trailer. I'm afraid as far as draw distance goes, that image of the new Tales you posted may be a section of en entire area, like every Tales game before it has done. The barren landscape is a clue to this. Its like its dead....observation only, obviously. Impressive draw distance otherwise.

These arguments are fun :D I'm off for tonight. Chemistry exam tommorow. Keep the thread running, eh?

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.