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Soriku said:

You're using ToS: DotNW shots? lol. When we get a more complete build shots of Tales then we'll talk. The difference between this new Wii Tales and ToV doesn't seem huge. Only difference is the art styles between them.

THATS what I want to hear. I can believe the new Tales being closer, I just want to see it. But people have been comparing Vesperia to DotNW, not the new one, and to that end, the winner is clear in graphical and technical terms(As it should have been obviously all along -_-') . I'm willing to wait for the new one before I jump to any final conclusions, because the trailer, even if not really revealing, looks SICK. But as I have seen from the only other Tales I can compare to, Vesperia wouldnt be even close to portable without large technical downgrades.

Though like I said before, I wouldn't mind if Vesperia was released on Wii. I'd buy it. 


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.