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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What Console are you getting FFXIII for

Xbox 360; I consider it my way of encouraging the Final Fantasy series (and hopefully other ones as well) to remain multi-platform.

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pearljammer said:
selnor said:
pearljammer said:
selnor said:

Alot of people I will admit are blinded by the FF name. Including reviewers. I have played now a fair bit of TLR and IU recently and you know whats funny. The only FF game that I thought was better than TLR and IU was FF2, 6 and 7.

FF8 - 12 are all about the same quality as TLR and IU. Reviewers seem to see FF and immediately think right we have to do either 9 or 10.

It's sad really. I'm just glad Hironobu Sakaguchi is still around. Because the 3 best FF's were all directed and Produced by him. FF2, 6 and 7.


Or, you know, people (a fair majority) simply share an opinion different than your own. I haven't tried TLR as of yet, but I can say that after only playing IU for a few hours that it is far from the quality of any Final Fantasy post FFIV. Lost Odyssey, while much better, I think is still not quite up to snuff. You can pass it off as blindness if you'd like simply because I don't agree with your line of thinking, but the fact of the matter is that I think there are many RPG's that are of the same quality (or greater than some FF's). Xenogears, for example, I think is better than FFVII, IX and XII. Chrono Trigger better than VII, Suikoden V better than VII and Vagrant story is pretty much on par with any of them. Hell, I even find Disgaea 1 as good as Final Fantasy Tactics.

Also FFVI and FFVII weren't directed by Sakaguichi, that honour belongs to Kitase (along with Hiroyuki Ito). Kitase also directed other fantastic games such as FFVII, FFVIII, Chrono Trigger and produced FFX as well as FFXIII currenty. This isn't to take anything from Sakaguchi, the guy kicks ass, but rather to question your alleged correlation to Sakaguichi's direction and the best FF's.

Another thing, just out of curiousity, do you mean FFIV (FFII US) when you mention FF2? I actually disliked FF2 (US) very much.

To answer the question asked in the OP: As an owner of both consoles, I'll likely get it on PS3 as I'd like it to match FFV13. I couldn't care much for achievements/trophies or controllers. This is, of course, unless the 360 version somehow gets released earlier, which seems rather unlikely.


You are a right to an extent. I used the wrong words really. But however Sakaguchi was the man who had end saying on all FF's to FF9. It's funny how the ones I dislike the most are the ones when he left and had nothing to do with.

I don't think it's funny, you just simply prefer his works than that of the others who worked on them. What I do find funny, however, is how you claim that reviewers and many users are blinded by the FF name. There is no doubt that FF often overshadows other quality JRPG's and causes many gamers to overlook games like Xenogears and Vagrant Story (Both received incredibly well by media and users, many even moreso than most FF's), but that is in no way a detractor of the series itself. You didn't address this point, which was the focus of my post.

Do you know which FF's are the original and full concept of Hironobu Sakaguchi? In other words who's imagination and idea each game is? Seriously I know to much about RPG's.

Yes, I do. And if you had mentioned that firstly, I would have avoided the correction. My apologies for the misunderstanding.

FF2 (not American FF2) FF6 and FF7 were all the full idea of Hironobu Sakaguchi. The stories and characters came from his mind.  He was the Director on FF2, Producer on FF6 and 7.

Also 9 which I think is the next best one after those is also Sakaguchi's idea of which he again was the producer.

Sorry but your wrong my 3 faveourites came solely from the brain of Sakaguchi. Effectively like Star Wars. Even though Return of The Jedi was not directed by Lucas he oversaw and was fully his idea.

Wait... How could I be wrong? I never once said that he didn't come up with the concept of these games, simply that he didn't direct VI nor VII, which you indicated as great being that that they were directed by him. I was going by your own words.

Also, while Lucas was the creator and brain of Star Wars, each director had a profound affect on each movie. The direction and execution on episode V and VI were far greater than that of I-IV (Lucas' efforts as director). I-III have shown us that having a great concept alone is worthless without great direction and execution.

Again, this doesn't take anything from Sakaguichi, and I would have completely avoided the correction had I known you meant that you simply prefer his concepts and characters.



Well although Empire Strikes Back had other directors helping, Geporge Lucas had to back over and ended up doing 80% of the directing. Thats how he lost his wife.

Anyways, Yes I think we understand each other now. Without Hironobu we would not have had the stories for the majority of FF's. FF7 which most people consider the best FF story would not exist. Man a world without Cloud.

My point originally was that I enjoy TLR and IU about the same as I enjoy FF10 and FF12. The last 2 FF's have not really impressed apart from the CGI. As I said FF2, 6 and 7 possibly 9 as well were the ones I call great. All the other FF's are just average to good JRPG's

As I posted previously. Stand out JRPG's for me are as follows. And these are becasue they are the best in the field at some or all the game.


Chrono Trigger - The most perfect JRPG I played. Every aspect is win

FF7 - Good story, good battle system (materia) and the first game to use 3d graphicd in FF series which added emotion.

Grandia 2 - The greatest battle system ever in a JRPG. Also the best special moves in any game.

Lost Odyssey - The best ever JRPG at storytelling. By far the most emotional JRPG Ive ever played. Best Voice Acting in a JRPG. (the most underated JRPG, it's not the best whole package but it's up there.)


360 version


jacks81x said:

Personally I would take game install over changing disc anyday.  You don't have to phsyically be there while the game is installing.  You pop the disc in, go grab a bite or something, come back and it's done.  Maybe it's just me, but I don't see that as that big of an inconvenience.  I mean, what's the difference between that and using a PC?  Every application on your PC needs to be installed.


If you want the most convenient version, you'll need to go with the 360 version.

Hard Drive transfer on my 120gb.

  • Faster load times than blu-ray.
  • No disc reading at all.
  • No disc swapping.
  • No game install (only the 1 time transfer of data (ISO file)).

The best version (at least for people owning 120gb 360 like me) will be FFXIII 360.

So, with achievements, Live support and the awesome 360 controller, the choice is easy.


My Gaming Setup

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Neoraf said:
jacks81x said:

Personally I would take game install over changing disc anyday.  You don't have to phsyically be there while the game is installing.  You pop the disc in, go grab a bite or something, come back and it's done.  Maybe it's just me, but I don't see that as that big of an inconvenience.  I mean, what's the difference between that and using a PC?  Every application on your PC needs to be installed.


If you want the most convenient version, you'll need to go with the 360 version.

Hard Drive transfer on my 120gb.

  • Faster load times than blu-ray.
  • No disc reading at all.
  • No disc swapping.
  • No game install (only the 1 time transfer of data (ISO file)).

The best version (at least for people owning 120gb 360 like me) will be FFXIII 360.

So, with achievements, Live support and the awesome 360 controller, the choice is easy.



multi-disking FTW!!!the 360.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

selnor said:
Neoraf said:
jacks81x said:

Personally I would take game install over changing disc anyday.  You don't have to phsyically be there while the game is installing.  You pop the disc in, go grab a bite or something, come back and it's done.  Maybe it's just me, but I don't see that as that big of an inconvenience.  I mean, what's the difference between that and using a PC?  Every application on your PC needs to be installed.


If you want the most convenient version, you'll need to go with the 360 version.

Hard Drive transfer on my 120gb.

  • Faster load times than blu-ray.
  • No disc reading at all.
  • No disc swapping.
  • No game install (only the 1 time transfer of data (ISO file)).

The best version (at least for people owning 120gb 360 like me) will be FFXIII 360.

So, with achievements, Live support and the awesome 360 controller, the choice is easy.




Excatly! PS3 ports are always equal to the 360 counterparts.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

Neoraf said:
jacks81x said:

Personally I would take game install over changing disc anyday.  You don't have to phsyically be there while the game is installing.  You pop the disc in, go grab a bite or something, come back and it's done.  Maybe it's just me, but I don't see that as that big of an inconvenience.  I mean, what's the difference between that and using a PC?  Every application on your PC needs to be installed.


If you want the most convenient version, you'll need to go with the 360 version.

Hard Drive transfer on my 120gb.

  • Faster load times than blu-ray.
  • No disc reading at all.
  • No disc swapping.
  • No game install (only the 1 time transfer of data (ISO file)).

The best version (at least for people owning 120gb 360 like me) will be FFXIII 360.

So, with achievements, Live support and the awesome 360 controller, the choice is easy.

If you're going to install the game, wouldn't that take away the "No game install" bullet? 

And you won't disc swap on PS3 since it's on BD, I'd be surprised if it was more than 50 gigs.

I don't see how disc reading is a major plus at all...  I suppose for older owners of 360, but for Falcon + Jasper, the drive doesn't cut out like that... I don't think. 

And we don't know what the loading times will be like with this game.  Seeing as that it's coming to PS3 exclusive in JP, I assume that it'll be optimized to load quickly, but even then, it'll most likely have an install in order to load fast. 

The achievements are a plus, but since it's not going to be gracing US stores until sometime in 2010, I'm more than positive it'll have trophies too.  Live support, perhaps but is this an online game?  Controller being better is all up to preference.  Some prefer the 360 some prefer the PS3. 

In turn,

Installing the game on the 360 would likely be longer than a PS3 install since it is likely to be more than a disc or two (LO was 4, and I expect FFXIII to have more cutscenes, and better looking graphics, so...), and you still have to swap discs when you change discs even if you've installed the game.

Nothing against the game on either console, they both have pros and cons, just wanted to inform you.

Hope that helps.  ^_^

You need the disc in the disc tray in order to play a game even if it's installed to your hard drive, to the best of my knowledge. And you will still need to swap discs.

I'm getting it on my 360, because it is what I own, but let's not mince words here.