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Forums - Sony Discussion - Uncharted was boring for me, honestly.

Oh don't get me wrong, Resistance 2 is amazing on it's own merrits as well :D Insomniac does a damn good job at simulating intensity ^^ Believe me I LOVE that game. But the enemy NEVER had as much personality as the enemies in Uncharted :P And I think that's what Naughty Dog was aiming for ^^

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ok chrono, even if i agree with you that the enemies in uncharted "felt" real, that "feeling" itself became stale very quickly to me because it was the same thing again and again.

sure you can experiment around with them and whatnot, but at the end of the day, you're working with a very very limited number of options. sure they may "feel" real, but only for the first few times. honestly. think about it.

how many times did they do the exact same things you mentioned:

The way they ran like spazzes and dived to get cover, the way one would pull the pin out of a grenade and kinda hang around before throwing it, the sound they would yelp as you randomly shot them somewhere, it FELT like a much better breed of enemy.

sure, great acting by the enemy.

but how many times did they act that way? because they're all the same enemy with absolutely no variety, you will see those actions a hundred times. and that's boring.

The game could've used a few more enemies and variety.

And while I actually tend to dislike 'boss' battles (I actually kind of abhor the mentality developers tend to have that a game must have them) I do think they borked the villains a bit in Uncharted, they chopped and changed too much with too little narrative and exposure to what they were up to and why.

I still found it to be a great game though - and in all honesty, with a few exceptions, most variety is just enemies with a different skin, weapon or AI routine to be memorized (i.e. more a perception than reality).  With Uncharted by sticking to the story/locale they did I don't think ND could have introduced more variety without it feeling fake.  Sure some of the mutants could have been tougher, etc. but while I appreciate the mechanic its obviously false.  Why would they be different, for example?  They all came from the same source in the narrative.

What Uncharted 2 needs to shift ahead is better mechanics, variety and more consistent and developed villians. From the scans at least the mechanics are being worked on and I have high hopes for the other two.

The images imply a set piece on a train that ends up with a dangling carriage, for example, and that kind of approach is more appropriate to a story like Uncharted instead of bosses IMHO.

If they take more of a globe trotting approach, a'la Indy, then they can use the different locales to more realistically introduce different enemies and foes.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

I don't agree as I enjoyed it.

However, I would agree that there was probably too much focus on enemy encounters where you had wave after wave of enemies charging at you. Hopefully that's something they'll be sorting out with Uncharted 2.


I dunno, I didn't really notice it while playing ^^ the environments changed around quite often and as I mentioned they had a multi-tude of different quirky things that they did.

All in all, I think Uncharted was aiming for towards a feeling while playing a game, instead of just make it a good game that's challenging.

Like you have games like Gears of war, that have great graphics, but everythings like.. gray... Then you have games like Uncharted which focused heavily on it's use of color. The color would designate the tone of the game many times. Still great graphics, but more artistic take on it.

The A.I. like you mentioned wasn't just good, it was entertaining :P You can have "good" A.I. that just kicks your ass around on the floor, but that doesn't mean they have ANY sort of personality. Uncharted tried for a bit of both.

You can make the game realistic, or non realistic. Some games try for a bit of both and succeed really well, some fail miserably at it however :P Uncharted did a good job of playing to that unknown factor. It felt immersible while not feeling to silly. There was never really a moment of, oh that's just impossible. It walked the line very nicely ^^

They used a ton of polygons, but not just to make a more realistic looking person, hell, they made drake slightly cartoony with some of his expressions :D

Uncharted is a game that's not skin deep, there's so much to appreciate about it, it's one of the few titles that's really pushing for video games to be art :P And I dig it ^_^

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Gee, I sure wish that there had been a twist which meant you were no longer fighting the standard humans.....

Anyway, it probably could have done with a little more variety, but the presentation was so good, the story so good, and it was just so fun to play, there is very very little wrong with that game

well graphic design, art design, and whatever design doesn't solve the problem of boredom due to vanilla gameplay.

at the end of the day, gameplay is the most important thing. repetitive actions don't make good gameplay.

Can't wait to play the full game for myself.

4 ≈ One

I simply think your looking for a game that's unlike Uncharted :P I'm not sure the "feel" of the game matters as much as the technical prowess in your eyes :3 I don't mean that as an insult it just seems that way ^^ To me the enemy's were fine, and they didn't really get old :P I always enjoyed shooting at them :3

So we'll just agree to disagree :)

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perpride said:
The gameplay was top notch. The graphics were amazing. I absolutely loved the platforming. The story was vibrant with hilarious characters - Drake himself being one of the best main characters ever. The cover/shooting system was great...probably the most realistic shooting system I have ever used.

Yeah because we all know that to heal bullet wounds all you need to do is crouch and wait 30 seconds! Voilà! It doesn't hurt anymore!

OT : I can't comment on the game much because I only played the demo.


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