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ok chrono, even if i agree with you that the enemies in uncharted "felt" real, that "feeling" itself became stale very quickly to me because it was the same thing again and again.

sure you can experiment around with them and whatnot, but at the end of the day, you're working with a very very limited number of options. sure they may "feel" real, but only for the first few times. honestly. think about it.

how many times did they do the exact same things you mentioned:

The way they ran like spazzes and dived to get cover, the way one would pull the pin out of a grenade and kinda hang around before throwing it, the sound they would yelp as you randomly shot them somewhere, it FELT like a much better breed of enemy.

sure, great acting by the enemy.

but how many times did they act that way? because they're all the same enemy with absolutely no variety, you will see those actions a hundred times. and that's boring.