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I dunno, I didn't really notice it while playing ^^ the environments changed around quite often and as I mentioned they had a multi-tude of different quirky things that they did.

All in all, I think Uncharted was aiming for towards a feeling while playing a game, instead of just make it a good game that's challenging.

Like you have games like Gears of war, that have great graphics, but everythings like.. gray... Then you have games like Uncharted which focused heavily on it's use of color. The color would designate the tone of the game many times. Still great graphics, but more artistic take on it.

The A.I. like you mentioned wasn't just good, it was entertaining :P You can have "good" A.I. that just kicks your ass around on the floor, but that doesn't mean they have ANY sort of personality. Uncharted tried for a bit of both.

You can make the game realistic, or non realistic. Some games try for a bit of both and succeed really well, some fail miserably at it however :P Uncharted did a good job of playing to that unknown factor. It felt immersible while not feeling to silly. There was never really a moment of, oh that's just impossible. It walked the line very nicely ^^

They used a ton of polygons, but not just to make a more realistic looking person, hell, they made drake slightly cartoony with some of his expressions :D

Uncharted is a game that's not skin deep, there's so much to appreciate about it, it's one of the few titles that's really pushing for video games to be art :P And I dig it ^_^

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