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The game could've used a few more enemies and variety.

And while I actually tend to dislike 'boss' battles (I actually kind of abhor the mentality developers tend to have that a game must have them) I do think they borked the villains a bit in Uncharted, they chopped and changed too much with too little narrative and exposure to what they were up to and why.

I still found it to be a great game though - and in all honesty, with a few exceptions, most variety is just enemies with a different skin, weapon or AI routine to be memorized (i.e. more a perception than reality).  With Uncharted by sticking to the story/locale they did I don't think ND could have introduced more variety without it feeling fake.  Sure some of the mutants could have been tougher, etc. but while I appreciate the mechanic its obviously false.  Why would they be different, for example?  They all came from the same source in the narrative.

What Uncharted 2 needs to shift ahead is better mechanics, variety and more consistent and developed villians. From the scans at least the mechanics are being worked on and I have high hopes for the other two.

The images imply a set piece on a train that ends up with a dangling carriage, for example, and that kind of approach is more appropriate to a story like Uncharted instead of bosses IMHO.

If they take more of a globe trotting approach, a'la Indy, then they can use the different locales to more realistically introduce different enemies and foes.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...