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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Music sells 1 million - bitter tears flow profusely

BMaker11 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

I would just like to take the time to congratulate Wii Music and Nintendo, for thinking outside of the box.

Aside from praising them for selling a million copies...I have to ask, why are you praising them for "thinking outside the box" with this game? Wii Music is doing nothing more than what Rock Band did last year...even less actually. At least RB is interactive. With Wii Music, you're still pretty much using an air guitar or air drums

Oh child.

Oh my sweet, ignorant little child.


I weep for thy ignorance, and pray that it is rectified someday.


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Wii Music didn't just play along with songs like other games ,it's make you learn the basic process to create songs,mix songs and combind musical instrumentals too.
This game use more brain than many one think IMO.

noname2200 said:
BMaker11 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

I would just like to take the time to congratulate Wii Music and Nintendo, for thinking outside of the box.

Aside from praising them for selling a million copies...I have to ask, why are you praising them for "thinking outside the box" with this game? Wii Music is doing nothing more than what Rock Band did last year...even less actually. At least RB is interactive. With Wii Music, you're still pretty much using an air guitar or air drums

Oh child.

Oh my sweet, ignorant little child.


I weep for thy ignorance, and pray that it is rectified someday.


What? There's no ignorance in what I said

There's the gameplay. Drop that Wiimote and Nunchuk and you doing the same thing you were doing when you were 5. At least something like Guitar Hero takes some hand eye coordination.  Try and prove the video evidence wrong...please and thank you.

If you tell me that vibrating the nunchuk up and down is more innovative, or at least in your sense, makes my statement "ignorant", than actually matching fast paced notes on screen (which in actuality, learning guitar is VERY similar because instead of notes on a screen, you have tabs on a piece of paper), then...well, there's nothing more to say. I'll give up


BMaker11 said:
noname2200 said:
BMaker11 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

I would just like to take the time to congratulate Wii Music and Nintendo, for thinking outside of the box.

Aside from praising them for selling a million copies...I have to ask, why are you praising them for "thinking outside the box" with this game? Wii Music is doing nothing more than what Rock Band did last year...even less actually. At least RB is interactive. With Wii Music, you're still pretty much using an air guitar or air drums

Oh child.

Oh my sweet, ignorant little child.


I weep for thy ignorance, and pray that it is rectified someday.


What? There's no ignorance in what I said

There's the gameplay. Drop that Wiimote and Nunchuk and you doing the same thing you were doing when you were 5. At least something like Guitar Hero takes some hand eye coordination.  Try and prove the video evidence wrong...please and thank you.

If you tell me that vibrating the nunchuk up and down is more innovative, or at least in your sense, makes my statement "ignorant", than actually matching fast paced notes on screen (which in actuality, learning guitar is VERY similar because instead of notes on a screen, you have tabs on a piece of paper), then...well, there's nothing more to say. I'll give up


No no no, you silly little boy! You see only what you want to see, and thus understand nothing. :-/

Guitar Hero may need hand-eye coordination. Wii Music also needs hand-eye coordination, and something more beside: musical taste, and originality. You're not playing a glorified (albeit fun!) game of Simon Says; you're rearranging music in real time with the instruments of your choice. It's something no game has ever allowed before, something no other developer has so far envisioned. Is that not originality?

But please, don't take my word for it. Play it yourself.

Or, continue with your willful ignorance. From the posts you've written so far, I can safely say that your opinion has ceased to matter a long while ago. I just take some pleasure in pointing out your silliness and foolishness. It's fun!

Great start for wii music. Hope it will some day reach 10 million.

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For those saying that Wii Music is the slowest selling game in the "Wii" series think about this for a second...

- Wii Music had nothing to sell. Wii Sports comes with every Wii console, Wii Play is a 10 dollar game with a 40 dollar wiimote and Wii Fit comes bundled with the balance board and the promise of a healthy lifestyle. Wii Music had its gameplay and premise to sell.

- Nintendo hyped Wii Fit more than Wii Music. Wii Fit advertisements were everywhere, it appeared on every daytime show possible and received a lot of coverage from the non gaming media. Wii Music had very little advertising done prior to release, and the E3 demo didn't help.

- Its a niche concept game. Wii Fit, Wii Sports and Wii Play followed a basic gameplay structure that everyone got from the start. Wii Music, however, confused a lot of people with its "everyone can play, there's no failure" mantra. It was a game you needed to play in order to understand. These games take a while to sell because they need word of mouth to push sales.

- It faced a lot of prejudice from gamers and the media. While it would be silly to claim that a few bitter fanboys prevented potential sales the game DID receive some the harshest reception ever given to a game. It doesn't matter if you like the game or not, you have to agree that Wii Music doesn't deserve the bitter angst.

So combine all of these factors and you realize that Wii Music reaching a million is pretty important. It faced a lot of problems that would have destroyed any other game.

I'm sure Nintendo is happy about this.

And to the haters...CRY SOME MOAR!!!!

*Sorry, I just had to :p

BMaker11 said:
noname2200 said:
BMaker11 said:

Aside from praising them for selling a million copies...I have to ask, why are you praising them for "thinking outside the box" with this game? Wii Music is doing nothing more than what Rock Band did last year...even less actually. At least RB is interactive. With Wii Music, you're still pretty much using an air guitar or air drums

Oh child.

Oh my sweet, ignorant little child.


I weep for thy ignorance, and pray that it is rectified someday.


What? There's no ignorance in what I said

There's the gameplay. Drop that Wiimote and Nunchuk and you doing the same thing you were doing when you were 5. At least something like Guitar Hero takes some hand eye coordination.  Try and prove the video evidence wrong...please and thank you.

If you tell me that vibrating the nunchuk up and down is more innovative, or at least in your sense, makes my statement "ignorant", than actually matching fast paced notes on screen (which in actuality, learning guitar is VERY similar because instead of notes on a screen, you have tabs on a piece of paper), then...well, there's nothing more to say. I'll give up


Ah yes. It's always fun to see the people that are obviously completely ignorant about what this game is about racking down on it. That video is a great case in point. It's sort of the same thing as my friends and family thinking playing Guitar Hero was totally mindless and stupid. And then they play it themselves...

I'll just use the words of the nintendo representative: "Music is just noise with an idea behind it". Unless you understand this simple fact, Wii Music is not going to make any sense at all. Unless you can exploit this fact, Wii Music is going to be a horrible experience.

It's a hardcore game, made for a niche audience. I agree with Montana Hatchet when he says that 1 million was always certain. What is interesting is how the game will fare after christmas. How much of the games sales have depended on the christmas rush, and how much of it is genuin legs? These are important questions, and will determine the sales in the future. It could stop selling pretty rapidly from here, or it could go on to make 5 million... I'm still not certain.

This is invisible text!

greenmedic88 said:
It has still been the slowest moving title in the Wii series.

- despite the current marketing effort in support of Wii Music
- despite a basic lack of Nintendo games this season
- despite record breaking hardware sales (strongest to date)
- despite being targeted at new users who want the different Wii style game experience

And despite having been in development since the very inception of the Wii. It's not like the game was an unfinished concept or lacked any of the polish people expect of a Nintendo game.

Nobody can claim there is currently any game that is cannibalizing Wii Music sales, so there really isn't any excuse.

About the only thing that can be blamed is the basic concept itself, which some have tried to interpret as a high-browed approach to music games while ignoring that the basic appeal of Wii series games is instant accessibility for anyone, regardless of gaming (or non-gaming) background.

It was a given it would eventually pass the million seller mark, and should still continue to sell at a consistent rate, even after the holiday season, but when compared with Wii Fit (not an entirely fair comparison) the type of sales rates Wii Music has been seeing is hardly anything to celebrate and praise.


 I agree. It has been in work for 2 years, and only manages a few million! Pff, Nintendo sure screwed themselves over here.

What? It was the 2nd best selling music console game in Japan? Well... It didn't beat Wii fit!

That's not a fair comparison you say? Well, I have to agree on that. What game, any game, can be compared to Wii Fit in success? It is going to be the best selling non-bundled console game ever. What can you compare to it? Pokemon, Mario Kart and Grand Theft Auto. Not really anything else.


Compare Wii Music to something that is fair. I could agree with you on Brain Training for instance.


Bottom line. Wii Music is going to sell roughly as well as Guitar Hero 3 did on Wii - which is currently the best selling 3rd party game on Wii.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

well, i told a million times before that the game is great, but people kept on believing the stupid reviews and that the game is stupid

you can't know until you play it, and understand the concept of course!

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

RolStoppable said:
Now I feel even more offended by this game's existence.

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