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For those saying that Wii Music is the slowest selling game in the "Wii" series think about this for a second...

- Wii Music had nothing to sell. Wii Sports comes with every Wii console, Wii Play is a 10 dollar game with a 40 dollar wiimote and Wii Fit comes bundled with the balance board and the promise of a healthy lifestyle. Wii Music had its gameplay and premise to sell.

- Nintendo hyped Wii Fit more than Wii Music. Wii Fit advertisements were everywhere, it appeared on every daytime show possible and received a lot of coverage from the non gaming media. Wii Music had very little advertising done prior to release, and the E3 demo didn't help.

- Its a niche concept game. Wii Fit, Wii Sports and Wii Play followed a basic gameplay structure that everyone got from the start. Wii Music, however, confused a lot of people with its "everyone can play, there's no failure" mantra. It was a game you needed to play in order to understand. These games take a while to sell because they need word of mouth to push sales.

- It faced a lot of prejudice from gamers and the media. While it would be silly to claim that a few bitter fanboys prevented potential sales the game DID receive some the harshest reception ever given to a game. It doesn't matter if you like the game or not, you have to agree that Wii Music doesn't deserve the bitter angst.

So combine all of these factors and you realize that Wii Music reaching a million is pretty important. It faced a lot of problems that would have destroyed any other game.

I'm sure Nintendo is happy about this.

And to the haters...CRY SOME MOAR!!!!

*Sorry, I just had to :p