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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Music sells 1 million - bitter tears flow profusely

Thechalkblock said:
I plan on picking up Wii Music someday, when it is like $20.

Fair enough, but it's worth $50...

And with Nintendo's current pricing strategy, you might have to wait until next generation...


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It sold better than i thought, but it's still not a game that i would enjoy.

ClaudeLv250 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
You know what's always a treat? When fanboys turn any accomplishment (no matter how unimpressive) into a way to be condescending. Case in point, this thread. Anyone outside of the most pissed off fanboy knew it would sell millions. Hell, even pissed off fanboys admitted it would sell millions (usually finding a way to insult the consumers as well).

So while both LittleBigPlanet and Wii music have now passed a million, it's certainly interesting to know who can appreciate their achievement and who can find a way to insult anyone who ever doubted their "OMG INNOVATIVEZ GAME."

I do find it a little amusing that this thread has been relatively civil until you came in hear frothing at the mouth and tossing silly insults around. I was expecting bitter tears, but not that kind.

I never tossed insults around, unless you count "fanboy" as an insult (which would make me wonder why you were using the word then). I can celebrate an accomplishment just like the next person, and I'm glad that Wii Music reached a million (even though it was bound to happen). I just don't appreciate such condescending behavior.




MontanaHatchet said:

I never tossed insults around, unless you count "fanboy" as an insult (which would make me wonder why you were using the word then). I can celebrate an accomplishment just like the next person, and I'm glad that Wii Music reached a million (even though it was bound to happen). I just don't appreciate such condescending behavior.


It's not condescending, it's karma, unless people hate Wii Music that much. There's no other way to explain that behavior outside of "bitter tears." In fact, it's condescending that people are crying rivers of bitterness over this game in the first place and hit the Wii Music wall on a daily basis.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

ClaudeLv250 said:
MontanaHatchet said:

I never tossed insults around, unless you count "fanboy" as an insult (which would make me wonder why you were using the word then). I can celebrate an accomplishment just like the next person, and I'm glad that Wii Music reached a million (even though it was bound to happen). I just don't appreciate such condescending behavior.


It's not condescending, it's karma, unless people hate Wii Music that much. There's no other way to explain that behavior outside of "bitter tears." In fact, it's condescending that people are crying rivers of bitterness over this game in the first place and hit the Wii Music wall on a daily basis.

There was a lot of backlash, but so much of that was the opportunity for backlash. Wii Music was getting average review scores, and a portion of Nintendo fans overreacted. When some HD fans saw that they had less resistance in trashing a Wii game, they came at it full force. I don't think it was fear so much as the opportunity to hate on a big Wii game. If I was scared of Wii games, I'd be a lot more scared of Wii Fit and Mario Kart than Wii Music. Those are the Wii's true big titles for 2008 (not counting Wii Play and Wii Sports, which were around since launch).




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It has still been the slowest moving title in the Wii series.

- despite the current marketing effort in support of Wii Music
- despite a basic lack of Nintendo games this season
- despite record breaking hardware sales (strongest to date)
- despite being targeted at new users who want the different Wii style game experience

And despite having been in development since the very inception of the Wii. It's not like the game was an unfinished concept or lacked any of the polish people expect of a Nintendo game.

Nobody can claim there is currently any game that is cannibalizing Wii Music sales, so there really isn't any excuse.

About the only thing that can be blamed is the basic concept itself, which some have tried to interpret as a high-browed approach to music games while ignoring that the basic appeal of Wii series games is instant accessibility for anyone, regardless of gaming (or non-gaming) background.

It was a given it would eventually pass the million seller mark, and should still continue to sell at a consistent rate, even after the holiday season, but when compared with Wii Fit (not an entirely fair comparison) the type of sales rates Wii Music has been seeing is hardly anything to celebrate and praise.

This is awesome. Let there be Wii Music clones forever! ;)

The Wii demographic has, at last, been nailed. If a game that reviewed this low can sell 1M, it clearly deserves imitation.

greenmedic88 said:
It has still been the slowest moving title in the Wii series.

- despite the current marketing effort in support of Wii Music
- despite a basic lack of Nintendo games this season
- despite record breaking hardware sales (strongest to date)
- despite being targeted at new users who want the different Wii style game experience

And despite having been in development since the very inception of the Wii. It's not like the game was an unfinished concept or lacked any of the polish people expect of a Nintendo game.

Nobody can claim there is currently any game that is cannibalizing Wii Music sales, so there really isn't any excuse.

About the only thing that can be blamed is the basic concept itself, which some have tried to interpret as a high-browed approach to music games while ignoring that the basic appeal of Wii series games is instant accessibility for anyone, regardless of gaming (or non-gaming) background.

It was a given it would eventually pass the million seller mark, and should still continue to sell at a consistent rate, even after the holiday season, but when compared with Wii Fit (not an entirely fair comparison) the type of sales rates Wii Music has been seeing is hardly anything to celebrate and praise.

Groucho said:

This is awesome. Let there be Wii Music clones forever! ;)

The Wii demographic has, at last, been nailed. If a game that reviewed this low can sell 1M, it clearly deserves imitation.

Okay, sarcasm aside. I think this goes a looong way to show that the Wii demographics are *really* foggy and hard to target. This game sold big, and this is just my crazy theory, merely because it has Wii[name] and the Nintendo 1st party stamp of Nintendo goodness on it. The new-gamer masses are afraid of things that aren't officially good endorsed products.

"Designed for Windows 95/2000/XP/Vista" == "Wii[whatever]" == Big-Name-Company Says-Its-Good == soothing comfort to non-gamer/non-savvy.

Star Wars: TFU sold like hotcakes you know.  It was pretty mediocre.

Paperdiego said:
Yes the "Wii" brand is even bigger that "nintendo".

its amazing how people have been calling this a flop how often do sony or microsoft games ever reach more than a million

Xbox 360 has more million sellers than Wii and PS3 combined last I checked...