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ClaudeLv250 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
You know what's always a treat? When fanboys turn any accomplishment (no matter how unimpressive) into a way to be condescending. Case in point, this thread. Anyone outside of the most pissed off fanboy knew it would sell millions. Hell, even pissed off fanboys admitted it would sell millions (usually finding a way to insult the consumers as well).

So while both LittleBigPlanet and Wii music have now passed a million, it's certainly interesting to know who can appreciate their achievement and who can find a way to insult anyone who ever doubted their "OMG INNOVATIVEZ GAME."

I do find it a little amusing that this thread has been relatively civil until you came in hear frothing at the mouth and tossing silly insults around. I was expecting bitter tears, but not that kind.

I never tossed insults around, unless you count "fanboy" as an insult (which would make me wonder why you were using the word then). I can celebrate an accomplishment just like the next person, and I'm glad that Wii Music reached a million (even though it was bound to happen). I just don't appreciate such condescending behavior.