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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Top 10 over-rated games of 2008

The List:

Many of the following ten games are great. A few came close to being on my top ten list (to be posted tomorrow). I would call a couple of them works of genius. But I think they're the most overrated games of the year for the simple fact that I'm surprised at how well received they were. I wouldn't recommend any of these without a few important caveats.

Read the 10 most overrated game of 2008 after the jump.

10) Civilization IV: Colonization
I've never won a single game of Colonization. But I've loved every game I've played. I don't imagine many people would feel the same.

9) Left 4 Dead
It's a great showcase for zombies that can run and co-op gameplay, but it's as fast, slick, fun in groups, and gratifying as chasing a greased pig (take that however you will). Serious Sam and Robotron were pretty cool, too, while the thrill lasted.

8) Burnout: Paradise
A racing game largely devoid of meaningful physics or convenience, also known as Burnout: Drive All the Way Back to the Starting Line Because There's No "Re-Try Race" Option, Suckers!.

7) Spore
The developers have explained that Spore was essentially three products: a content creator, a game-ish sort of thing, and a way to share stuff. Unless you're interested in at least two of those three things, and if you're willing for at least one of them to be rather anemic, Spore will be a head-scratcher.

6) Wii Fit
Wii fad.

5) Mass Effect
The long-in-the-tooth Bioware RPG formula applied to a generic sci-fi universe, with bouncing buggy driving/shooting sequences standing in for the exploration of alien worlds

4) Metal Gear Solid 4
For fans only. For everyone else, this is Kojima's long slow wank and you have to get to watch.

3) Braid
This is not a game that moves and it's not very accessible. You need to have a stomach for old-school platformers and mental brick walls. Which is a shame, because the place Braid eventually goes is sublime.

2) Little Big Planet
Awesome graphics! And those little sack people are so cute I could just eat them up! Now where's the game?

1) Grand Theft Auto IV
One of the most amazing realizations of a real-world-ish place and one of my favorite games this year. Also the setting for a poorly told story and uninspired gameplay, and the subject of a system-shattering PC port.



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twesterm said:
Chrizum said:
Esa-Petteri said:
No, there are some nintendo titles which belong to that list too. Burnout paradise,mass effect and L4D overrated? Replace them with brawl, mkwii and no more heroes and the list is perfect.

I mildly agree with No More Heroes being overrated, but Mario Kart? Many reviews burned that game because it's too difficult, it only has an 82 on Metacritic. If anything, the game is underrated.


To be fair, I don't think he was trolling.

twesterm said:

Left4Dead - BurnNHell douchebag

This made me LOL

I agree with many on this list (particularly the top 5, even more particularly mgs4), but not GTA4.

EDIT: Actually, make that top 4.

How can anyone agree with Mass Effect? That came out last year.

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LBP on this list?


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Chrizum said:
twesterm said:
Chrizum said:
Esa-Petteri said:
No, there are some nintendo titles which belong to that list too. Burnout paradise,mass effect and L4D overrated? Replace them with brawl, mkwii and no more heroes and the list is perfect.

I mildly agree with No More Heroes being overrated, but Mario Kart? Many reviews burned that game because it's too difficult, it only has an 82 on Metacritic. If anything, the game is underrated.


To be fair, I don't think he was trolling.


I take it you haven't been paying much attention to his average post content then... 

I don't agree with most of the list. The list seems to confuse overrated with over hyped. Although Mass Effect should not be on the list. No matter whether you think the game is overrated or not, it was released in 2007.

GTAIV and MGS4 are easily my two most overrated games of 2008. GTAIV was fun but flawed. I wanted to break Niko's cellphone. Seriously, Niko Bellic has the neediest friends I've ever seen. Don't they have anyone else to hang out with besides Niko? And I don't care how bad I get flamed for saying this but Kojima is an awful story teller. MGS4 is a good game but if you are going to have me watching for extended periods of time, a good story telling would be nice. If you liked the way Kojima tells a story, I'm sure you ate it up. However their are a lot of us that don't share that view.

Left 4 Dead? Nothing with zombies has ever been overrated. It's impossible.

Grand Theft Auto IV was pretty overrated by reviewers, but I think the hate it's received since has overcompensated for it.

This whole list is pretty shit, actually. 1-10 should be World of Warcraft.

Every game on that list are certainly overrated for the reasons given. That lists reads like a troll thread.

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