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I don't agree with most of the list. The list seems to confuse overrated with over hyped. Although Mass Effect should not be on the list. No matter whether you think the game is overrated or not, it was released in 2007.

GTAIV and MGS4 are easily my two most overrated games of 2008. GTAIV was fun but flawed. I wanted to break Niko's cellphone. Seriously, Niko Bellic has the neediest friends I've ever seen. Don't they have anyone else to hang out with besides Niko? And I don't care how bad I get flamed for saying this but Kojima is an awful story teller. MGS4 is a good game but if you are going to have me watching for extended periods of time, a good story telling would be nice. If you liked the way Kojima tells a story, I'm sure you ate it up. However their are a lot of us that don't share that view.