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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4, 97 at Metacritic!PS2 IS NOT DEAD!

BTFeather55 said:

"Atlus seems to like the Wii. Plus, by keeping the series on PS2 this long they've made it pretty clear that they're not fans of HD development costs..."

Atlus also has a deal with Microsoft to put their games on the 360, and I would say MS wants more than two very poor strategy rpgs out of it. Also, when they see these review scores, they will decide that like FFXIII and SO4 P5 is a game they should add to their jrpg collection and with a review score of 97 for the game -- whipping any jrpg in their lineup -- they'll be even more inclined to pay the price to get P5.

Also, Nintendo doesn't like to have such mature games on their systems and in a way the gameplay in the Persona games competes with that of their first party Pokemon titles, so they would be less inclined to want to release such a third party game on the Wii.

Finally, it could be that Atlus loves the Playstation brand explaining why they've had two top Persona games on the PS2 so late in its lifetime, and that they've just been waiting for the right time to announce P5 for the PS3. I would expect to see P5 on the PS3 before I would expect to see it on the Wii as well as Atlus would want to release the best possible version of the series on a next gen console instead of having a next gen game on a console that is decidedly last gen. They could do pretty much the same thing by having P5 on the PS2 once again and save a few dollars in development costs.

I Definitely agree with your point on wii. I just can't see Atlus getting away with a game where the characters shoot themselves or eat each other on wii. As for 360, I think Atlus has to be real mindful of where they put their games on more than say S-E because tons of people buy FFs because of HYPE and media spotlight regardless of whether they're even JRPG fans or were purchasers of previous FF games. Most people have a love or hate relationship with each FF iteration so I doubt it's the same people buying them.

In Atlus case, it's only hardcore fans that tend to even know if these games exist and understand how long they'll be out on the market before selling for god-forsaken prices. They've release brand new IPs on the 360 but I think they'll have to think twice before transferring the megaten series over there primarily because of Japan and their "hardcore" fanbase. It's hard to predict which system these people have gotten this time around. I have played all the megaten games released on ps2. In my case, ps3 was the obvious choice because I needed BC for games like P4 that were looming and I like focusing on only ONE system but I understand that I'm 1 in a million.

In conclusion, I think they are most likely to release P5 on ps2 if it comes out before 2010. If it releases after 2010, I think it'll most likely be ps3 because development costs won't be a serious issue anymore and this series style doesn't need HD graphics but I've been wrong before. I think ps3 because the nature of the content axes out the wii and Japan axes out the 360 but M$ might fund them so we'll see.



"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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BTFeather55 said:
"That said, how many know that Ar Tonelico 2 is coming to the States Jan 30, 2009? I bet not many knew or even care."

I did. Play magazine ran an article about new jrpgs coming to the US PS2 a couple of issues ago. I only glanced at the article in the bookstore, but it seems like there are also a couple more promising jrpgs headed to the US PS2 in the next few months as well.


I had a feeling you'd know since you even knew about the Atlus RPGs on 360. You strike me as a JRPG head. I consider myself a JRPG head and nothing no nex-gen console could hold a candle to the ps2 still. I'm still acquireing games I missed out on ps2/ps1. I need persona 2 but it's expensive as hell and I stupidly missed the last re-release. This is why BC was the ps3 dealbreaker for me.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

who said it was dead? :D

@Pristine 20,

I would rather have it come to PS3 as well. But in my mind's eye, I'm seeing the folks at Microsoft sitting in their cubicles looking at Metacritic (something they read each day to see their games are still the most highly regarded in the business), and they are seeing PS2 Persona 4 97. Then they are saying to each other, "Hmmmm....Japanese RPG....I don't know anything at all about this series, but it sure beat the smokes out of that Tales game that was supposed to be so good that we received from Namco. We've got to have that series whatever it is. Call up Atlas and tell them it is a Christmas '09 release exclusively on the 360."

Heavens to Murgatoids.

BTFeather55 said:

Atlus also has a deal with Microsoft to put their games on the 360, and I would say MS wants more than two very poor strategy rpgs out of it. Also, when they see these review scores, they will decide that like FFXIII and SO4 P5 is a game they should add to their jrpg collection and with a review score of 97 for the game -- whipping any jrpg in their lineup -- they'll be even more inclined to pay the price to get P5.

That's not entirely correct. Atlus acquired a license for publishing games for 360, but that doesn't necessarily mean they HAVE to put them on 360. It just means that whenever they want to, they can (and they've done with the publishing of the 3 SRPGs). I imagine Atlus also should have acquired both licenses for Wii and PS3 too.


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Uhm, the combined userbase of the HD consoles isn't even half that of Wii AND the two best sold RPGs so far are on Wii. Plus there are 7 or so in the making, most of them smaller niche titles, but still by talented developers. Niche JRPG fans will be on Wii anyway.
And Koei's Samurai Warriors 3 will be on Wii as well as will Monster Hunter 3, two titles that will drive more Japanese core support.

I really don't think Persona 5 has any chance of seeing a HD release. The series is just too niche for it. PS2 and Wii or just Wii (depending on the sales) would be the option.

@BTFeather: Why on earth would Microsoft want to moneyhat one of the most niche RPGs ever? That's stupid. Ever bothered to look what a MegaTen game usually sells?

Also, Nintendo doesn't like to have such mature games on their systems and in a way the gameplay in the Persona games competes with that of their first party Pokemon titles, so they would be less inclined to want to release such a third party game on the Wii.

Finally, it could be that Atlus loves the Playstation brand explaining why they've had two top Persona games on the PS2 so late in its lifetime, and that they've just been waiting for the right time to announce P5 for the PS3. I would expect to see P5 on the PS3 before I would expect to see it on the Wii as well as Atlus would want to release the best possible version of the series on a next gen console instead of having a next gen game on a console that is decidedly last gen.

Please stop using drugs before posting. You're making a fool out of yourself.

"@BTFeather: Why on earth would Microsoft want to moneyhat one of the most niche RPGs ever? That's stupid. Ever bothered to look what a MegaTen game usually sells?"

Because they want to do well in Japan. They think it will help them in that endeavor. Also, they like to have the highest rated games on Metacritic. I remember the big press conference they had about a year ago where they were saying we're doing by far the best in this gen because we have the highest Metacritic scores. I would say Microsoft started looking very seriously at the Persona series when Persona 3: FES was released to rave reviews from IGN earlier this year, and seeing a 97 from Metacritic for P4 is going to be the closure of the deal for them. I'm sure they have Atlus on the phone right now and that Bill Gates is in the process of extracting his checkbook from his pocket.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

BengaBenga said:
Uhm, the combined userbase of the HD consoles isn't even half that of Wii AND the two best sold RPGs so far are on Wii. Plus there are 7 or so in the making, most of them smaller niche titles, but still by talented developers. Niche JRPG fans will be on Wii anyway.
And Koei's Samurai Warriors 3 will be on Wii as well as will Monster Hunter 3, two titles that will drive more Japanese core support.

I really don't think Persona 5 has any chance of seeing a HD release. The series is just too niche for it. PS2 and Wii or just Wii (depending on the sales) would be the option.

@BTFeather: Why on earth would Microsoft want to moneyhat one of the most niche RPGs ever? That's stupid. Ever bothered to look what a MegaTen game usually sells?

Have you played a megaten game? If so, do you really think Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 and Persona 3 would get away with their content if released on wii? Or Atlus would totally lose creativity to put a game on wii when even nintendo's own fire emblem hasn't performed relative to the userbase.

For a hardcore niche titles, I think figuring out where your fans are is more important than selling to the masses. Which is why I think ps2 is most favored.

However, you seem to have the idea that HD games have to have HD graphics which is what tends to drive up their dev costs. Disgaea 3 says hi! Persona 5 can keep P4 style and be on Ps3, I don't think megaten fans will care. FF fans in comparison care about graphics because the FF series has always prided itself in being some of the best looking games iof thier generation. Megaten? not so much.

I do agree with you that M$ is unlikely to buy this though and I pray with Btfeather that they don't. I think he's just trying to numb himself against the worst case scenario.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Pristine20 said:
BengaBenga said:
Uhm, the combined userbase of the HD consoles isn't even half that of Wii AND the two best sold RPGs so far are on Wii. Plus there are 7 or so in the making, most of them smaller niche titles, but still by talented developers. Niche JRPG fans will be on Wii anyway.
And Koei's Samurai Warriors 3 will be on Wii as well as will Monster Hunter 3, two titles that will drive more Japanese core support.

I really don't think Persona 5 has any chance of seeing a HD release. The series is just too niche for it. PS2 and Wii or just Wii (depending on the sales) would be the option.

@BTFeather: Why on earth would Microsoft want to moneyhat one of the most niche RPGs ever? That's stupid. Ever bothered to look what a MegaTen game usually sells?

Have you played a megaten game? If so, do you really think Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 and Persona 3 would get away with their content if released on wii? Or Atlus would totally lose creativity to put a game on wii when even nintendo's own fire emblem hasn't performed relative to the userbase.

For a hardcore niche titles, I think figuring out where your fans are is more important than selling to the masses. Which is why I think ps2 is most favored.

However, you seem to have the idea that HD games have to have HD graphics which is what tends to drive up their dev costs. Disgaea 3 says hi! Persona 5 can keep P4 style and be on Ps3, I don't think megaten fans will care. FF fans in comparison care about graphics because the FF series has always prided itself in being some of the best looking games iof thier generation. Megaten? not so much.

I do agree with you that M$ is unlikely to buy this though and I pray with Btfeather that they don't. I think he's just trying to numb himself against the worst case scenario.


Yes I have played several MegaTen games. I'm a huge SRPG fan.

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn sold over 500k (of which 170k in Japan, which is about half Persona 3 on the mighty PS2). I think that's a massive success for a niche genre like that. And Fire Emblem is the core of core in SRPG. I know games on PS360 don't need to be HD, but we all know that a lot of the userbase will ignore a title that looks bad.

Sure the hardcore SMT fan will buy a console for it, but I don't think that group is very big. Next year I expect the Wii to become the JRPG platform of choice, especially for the non-massive series, so SMT would find a nice userbase there AND can basically still sell the same game  on the PS2. I mean console gaming in Japan is basically Wii or PS2.


why the hell should they put it on the wii or 360? Persona started on PlayStation.