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"@BTFeather: Why on earth would Microsoft want to moneyhat one of the most niche RPGs ever? That's stupid. Ever bothered to look what a MegaTen game usually sells?"

Because they want to do well in Japan. They think it will help them in that endeavor. Also, they like to have the highest rated games on Metacritic. I remember the big press conference they had about a year ago where they were saying we're doing by far the best in this gen because we have the highest Metacritic scores. I would say Microsoft started looking very seriously at the Persona series when Persona 3: FES was released to rave reviews from IGN earlier this year, and seeing a 97 from Metacritic for P4 is going to be the closure of the deal for them. I'm sure they have Atlus on the phone right now and that Bill Gates is in the process of extracting his checkbook from his pocket.

Heavens to Murgatoids.