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Pristine20 said:
BengaBenga said:
Uhm, the combined userbase of the HD consoles isn't even half that of Wii AND the two best sold RPGs so far are on Wii. Plus there are 7 or so in the making, most of them smaller niche titles, but still by talented developers. Niche JRPG fans will be on Wii anyway.
And Koei's Samurai Warriors 3 will be on Wii as well as will Monster Hunter 3, two titles that will drive more Japanese core support.

I really don't think Persona 5 has any chance of seeing a HD release. The series is just too niche for it. PS2 and Wii or just Wii (depending on the sales) would be the option.

@BTFeather: Why on earth would Microsoft want to moneyhat one of the most niche RPGs ever? That's stupid. Ever bothered to look what a MegaTen game usually sells?

Have you played a megaten game? If so, do you really think Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 and Persona 3 would get away with their content if released on wii? Or Atlus would totally lose creativity to put a game on wii when even nintendo's own fire emblem hasn't performed relative to the userbase.

For a hardcore niche titles, I think figuring out where your fans are is more important than selling to the masses. Which is why I think ps2 is most favored.

However, you seem to have the idea that HD games have to have HD graphics which is what tends to drive up their dev costs. Disgaea 3 says hi! Persona 5 can keep P4 style and be on Ps3, I don't think megaten fans will care. FF fans in comparison care about graphics because the FF series has always prided itself in being some of the best looking games iof thier generation. Megaten? not so much.

I do agree with you that M$ is unlikely to buy this though and I pray with Btfeather that they don't. I think he's just trying to numb himself against the worst case scenario.


Yes I have played several MegaTen games. I'm a huge SRPG fan.

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn sold over 500k (of which 170k in Japan, which is about half Persona 3 on the mighty PS2). I think that's a massive success for a niche genre like that. And Fire Emblem is the core of core in SRPG. I know games on PS360 don't need to be HD, but we all know that a lot of the userbase will ignore a title that looks bad.

Sure the hardcore SMT fan will buy a console for it, but I don't think that group is very big. Next year I expect the Wii to become the JRPG platform of choice, especially for the non-massive series, so SMT would find a nice userbase there AND can basically still sell the same game  on the PS2. I mean console gaming in Japan is basically Wii or PS2.