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Uhm, the combined userbase of the HD consoles isn't even half that of Wii AND the two best sold RPGs so far are on Wii. Plus there are 7 or so in the making, most of them smaller niche titles, but still by talented developers. Niche JRPG fans will be on Wii anyway.
And Koei's Samurai Warriors 3 will be on Wii as well as will Monster Hunter 3, two titles that will drive more Japanese core support.

I really don't think Persona 5 has any chance of seeing a HD release. The series is just too niche for it. PS2 and Wii or just Wii (depending on the sales) would be the option.

@BTFeather: Why on earth would Microsoft want to moneyhat one of the most niche RPGs ever? That's stupid. Ever bothered to look what a MegaTen game usually sells?

Also, Nintendo doesn't like to have such mature games on their systems and in a way the gameplay in the Persona games competes with that of their first party Pokemon titles, so they would be less inclined to want to release such a third party game on the Wii.

Finally, it could be that Atlus loves the Playstation brand explaining why they've had two top Persona games on the PS2 so late in its lifetime, and that they've just been waiting for the right time to announce P5 for the PS3. I would expect to see P5 on the PS3 before I would expect to see it on the Wii as well as Atlus would want to release the best possible version of the series on a next gen console instead of having a next gen game on a console that is decidedly last gen.

Please stop using drugs before posting. You're making a fool out of yourself.