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Forums - Website Topics - Please mods!! Give us "Edit Thread Title" capability...

for mistakes made.  It would be a great benefit so as to not build up the locked piles.  Thanks.

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Already been suggested




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits


You will sit there in shame as your inability to double-check your own work lives on. Forever. It's called "tough love," and you will LIKE it.

very good idea.

4 ≈ One

It's no fun if we can't make fun at people's mistakes forever and ever. u_u


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this would be a good capability to have. sometimes i misspell topic titles and its really embarrassing.

You should only be able to do it 15 minutes after you post the topic. Let the humiliation sink in a little.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Yeah, of course you can also double check what you typed. Seeing some of the ridiculous thread titles I often think people are really in a rush to get stuff on asap.

I have even seen mods make mistakes, that then get put into digg...  this would be more of talonman to make happen then the mods.

Well, it would be a nice addition. Especially considering the large international user base this site has. I can imagine a lot of people only notice typos and such later on, after a thread's been posted.

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