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Forums - Sales Discussion - Rembembering Xmas 06'

..... as much as I like the Vgchartz site for the detailed work they put into posting sales figures and news worthy gaming articles, the rest of site...namely the forums...have become something similiar to a car wreck. I simply have to look, every single time.

Two years ago, if you were to ask ANY PS3 fan where they thought the PS3 would be by Xmas of 08'..... there isn't a SINGLE one of them that would have predicted it's current position on the sales boards. Not one. Everyone had the PS3 crushing the 360 by now. In fact, it was almost laughable to imagine it happening any other way. 

But, jump on message boards now and you still see all the same arguments and overblown claims of eventual superiority by Sony over MS. I just don't get it. It's like no one remembers what was being said two years ago and people simply choose to ignore it and start the same sales arguments all over again.

If you had said that two years later MS will have actually INCREASED their lead, you would have been blown up by fanboy posts stating that 'this is going to happen' and 'that's going to happen' and 'MGS4's going to happen' and 'Home's going to happen' and 'you're crazy' and.. the list just goes on and on. Two years running and none of it's happened. At all. Yet there's still a seemingly innumerable amount of posts saying the exact same thing they did in 06'..... with all the same irrational predictions and 'just wait' arguments and outright weird, unabashedly bias Sony love. Seriously, I don't get it, it's plain weird to me. There's fanboys out there predicting that the PS3 will eventually overtake the Wii. Right there, that's an absolute train wreck of a comment. One guy has the PS3 overtaking the 360 by the middle of next year. What?.... they're gonna sell 7 million MORE consoles in 7 months. Absolutely delusional. This post will probably get locked for pissing off the PS3 guys, but for those of you that do catch it....

Dude... what's up with you? For the love of God, please explain 'cause i'd really like to understand where you're coming from. How do you keep coming up with this stuff?

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I was pretty sure Wii would do well once I had it in my dorm room, and girls and people from other rooms were coming by to play Wii Sports for weeks. I can't remember a bigger launch game in my lifetime, Call of Duty 2, Smash Brothers, Halo, Resistance, Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64DS, I can remember the hype but they just weren't as universally loved games despite the hype you see and can measure on the internet. Wii Sports was a great ice-breaker for everyone on my campus, and I suspect that we weren't the only one.

The arguments back then were focused on whether enough of the upcoming content would be able to make PS3 more viable longer term. When PS3 sold 260,000 between April and June 2007 though that ship kind of sailed in the USA/Americas. Europe had a big launch, but it dried up fairly quickly...


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

TheSource said:

I was pretty sure Wii would do well once I had it in my dorm room, and girls and people from other rooms were coming by to play Wii Sports for weeks. I can't remember a bigger launch game in my lifetime, Call of Duty 2, Smash Brothers, Halo, Resistance, Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64DS, I can remember the hype but they just weren't as universally loved games despite the hype you see and can measure on the internet. Wii Sports was a great ice-breaker for everyone on my campus, and I suspect that we weren't the only one.

The arguments back then were focused on whether enough of the upcoming content would be able to make PS3 more viable longer term. When PS3 sold 260,000 between April and June 2007 though that ship kind of sailed in the USA/Americas. Europe had a big launch, but it dried up fairly quickly...


six months after the Wii was released I still wasn't sure how it was going to perform in the long run. I saw allot of posts around the internet like 'it's a Fad'... 'It's not nex-gen'... generally negative comments most likey attributable to frustrated fanboys from other camps. I think the only ones who really understood how massive it was going to become were the guys at Nintendo. Graphically, it's nothing new... but gameplay wise, it doens't get more 'nex-gen' than that. When you completely change the way people play games and along with that, get everyone from 5 year olds to 55 year olds and beyond wanting to experience it, you got a monster. Actually, it's pretty sweet to watch... this coming from a guy who's all 360.


Some threads are delusional, only some. PS3 still has a bright future, and a good price reduction can and should do damage. I do see the PS3 passing the 360's LTD sales, but I see this happening like 2011/12.(a long long time away)

And BTW, I get just as Pissed off at ploughing through hundreds of "PS3 is Dead threads." They are un many cases worse than the ones you have mentioned

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Wow....someone needs to rethink their life.

you better be glad we don't go around making threads like these....cus in 06/07 the most hated console WAS the PS3

n some of the crap people said about it was ridiculous....n trust me it sounds worse than some of the arguments you have listed.

There are idiots on every side....

"two can play this game"

so I suggest you run away now.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Not only PS3 darth...Also the PSP got a lot of those threads. The PSP IS DEAD in JAPAN, THE DS KILLS THE PSP IN SALES (everytime we got a weekly/monthly Japanese hardware chart) and then their was Monster Hunter;...

So you made a thread to piss and whine about what some random PS3 fans said a couple of years ago? Thank god the 360 fans are such paragons of virtue and righteousness, it's not like they ever used to say "the PS3 has no games" and "the PS3 will be discontinued by the end of 2007". Yep, that never, ever happened.


SMcc1887 said:
Some threads are delusional, only some. PS3 still has a bright future, and a good price reduction can and should do damage. I do see the PS3 passing the 360's LTD sales, but I see this happening like 2011/12.(a long long time away)

agreed, once a price reduction rolls around for the PS3, there's no doubt sales will take off. It's an awesome machine whose technology might let it hang around a bit with whatever MS releases next, at least for a bit.

but... why do you see it passing in LTD sales, it seems as though those types of preditions always revolve around the PS3's market resurgance through pricing and big name title releases, while neglecting any relevant moves MS might make to counter. I just see so many posts that predict this and very few of them take into account what the other company will do, as though MS is just going to sit there, staticly, taking no action whatsover... no big game releases, no price drops, nothing new to introduce. "alright, we've been out for three years now, it's been a good run... whadaya say we call it a day huh and do nothing"

61/2 million is allot to make up, wouldn't be a problem if you're competition stopped selling all together, but that's not going to happen. It certainly isn't impossible for the PS3 to eventually land in second place, but so many just seem to take it for granted without any rational thought as to how... not saying you did that, you didn't... just wondering WHY you think that.


PS3 was actually the most hated console ever made when it launched. I admit, I was one of those people, and stand by my beliefs at the time. At the rate it was going, in its' epic weekly duels with the Game Boy Advance, there was no way it was ever going to hit five million.

No one but the fanboys thought they'd reduce the price by $200 when they were already deeply in the red. Both sides were right, in a way--they reduced the price, but they had to sell some important division of their company just to afford it.

It also didn't have anything to differentiate itself from the Xbox at the time. Its' multiplat games were better on 360, its' few exclusives had higher-rated alternatives on the 360, the system was twice as expensive as the 360, Blu-Ray was nothing at the time, and Microsoft had a far superior online service.

Not to mention that Kutaragi alienated everyone by calling anyone who buys their system a moron. "We could launch with no games and sell five million, because YOU LOVE PLAYSTATION!" "You should want to get a second job to afford a PS3!"

Basically, the hate was justified at the time.

Now that they've gotten rid of Krazy Ken, dropped the price to merely a 'high-end piece of equipment' level, shown that it's more than capable graphically, and gotten some high-end exclusives of their own, Sony has my respect. That doesn't, however, invalidate my previous opinion of them.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."