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I was pretty sure Wii would do well once I had it in my dorm room, and girls and people from other rooms were coming by to play Wii Sports for weeks. I can't remember a bigger launch game in my lifetime, Call of Duty 2, Smash Brothers, Halo, Resistance, Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64DS, I can remember the hype but they just weren't as universally loved games despite the hype you see and can measure on the internet. Wii Sports was a great ice-breaker for everyone on my campus, and I suspect that we weren't the only one.

The arguments back then were focused on whether enough of the upcoming content would be able to make PS3 more viable longer term. When PS3 sold 260,000 between April and June 2007 though that ship kind of sailed in the USA/Americas. Europe had a big launch, but it dried up fairly quickly...


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu