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..... as much as I like the Vgchartz site for the detailed work they put into posting sales figures and news worthy gaming articles, the rest of site...namely the forums...have become something similiar to a car wreck. I simply have to look, every single time.

Two years ago, if you were to ask ANY PS3 fan where they thought the PS3 would be by Xmas of 08'..... there isn't a SINGLE one of them that would have predicted it's current position on the sales boards. Not one. Everyone had the PS3 crushing the 360 by now. In fact, it was almost laughable to imagine it happening any other way. 

But, jump on message boards now and you still see all the same arguments and overblown claims of eventual superiority by Sony over MS. I just don't get it. It's like no one remembers what was being said two years ago and people simply choose to ignore it and start the same sales arguments all over again.

If you had said that two years later MS will have actually INCREASED their lead, you would have been blown up by fanboy posts stating that 'this is going to happen' and 'that's going to happen' and 'MGS4's going to happen' and 'Home's going to happen' and 'you're crazy' and.. the list just goes on and on. Two years running and none of it's happened. At all. Yet there's still a seemingly innumerable amount of posts saying the exact same thing they did in 06'..... with all the same irrational predictions and 'just wait' arguments and outright weird, unabashedly bias Sony love. Seriously, I don't get it, it's plain weird to me. There's fanboys out there predicting that the PS3 will eventually overtake the Wii. Right there, that's an absolute train wreck of a comment. One guy has the PS3 overtaking the 360 by the middle of next year. What?.... they're gonna sell 7 million MORE consoles in 7 months. Absolutely delusional. This post will probably get locked for pissing off the PS3 guys, but for those of you that do catch it....

Dude... what's up with you? For the love of God, please explain 'cause i'd really like to understand where you're coming from. How do you keep coming up with this stuff?